Announced during the Marvel Animation Panel at NYCC yesterday, a new animated LEGO special titled LEGO Marvel Spider-Man: Vexed by Venom is slated to premiere later next year.
The voice cast includes: Robbie Daymond (“Marvel’s Spider-Man”) as Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Ben Pronsky (“Aldnoah.Zero”) as Venom, Josh Keaton (“Voltron”) as Green Goblin, Laura Bailey (“Marvel’s Avengers Assemble”) as Gwen Stacy/Ghost-Spider, and Tara Strong (“My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”) as Mary Jane.
The majority of above voice cast are reprising characters they voice currently in the Marvel’s Spider-Man animated series. No official release date was announced, so stay tuned for updates.
In the special, tech theft is now at an all-time high thanks to Green Goblin & Venom– can our Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man put an end to their mysterious villainous scheme before all of New York City is destroyed?
This special follows the previous collaborations between Marvel & The LEGO Group: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes – Avengers Reassembled, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes – Guardians of the Galaxy: The Thanos Threat, and LEGO Marvel Super Heroes – Black Panther: Trouble in Wakanda.