Yesterday we reported on a series of teaser ads in this week’s Marvel comics. Each ad featured what appeared to be a creative team, with a date of August 2019. Late in the day yesterday, Marvel editor-in-chief CB Cebulski tweeted that “Phase one” was completed, and to be on the lookout for more tweets today.

Phase two is now upon us. The tweets have begun arriving. And boy, are there a lot of them.
The flood of tweets, all using the #MarvelComics hashtag, began around 1 p.m. EST. We’ve rounded up as many of them as we can find. Some are repeats of the ads from yesterday’s books, while others are brand new.

That’s 43 tweets with 43 different creative teams, with probably more on the way. I’m sure I didn’t even catch all of them. And those don’t even include all of the teams in the ads from yesterday’s books.
A few quick observations:

  • That’s a lot of dudes.
  • A LOT of dudes.
  • Only seven of the creative teams include women.
  • The ratio of creative teams featuring women to creative teams featuring Immortal Hulk writer Al Ewing is 1:1.
  • The only tease I recognize immediately as an existing creative team on a series is Rainbow Rowell and Kris Anka from Runaways.
  • There are certainly some surprises from outside of the world of comics here. We already talked about Taboo of the Black Eyed Peas and Jeffrey Veregge yesterday. Joining him are basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Being Human creator Toby Whithouse, novelists Derek Landy and Glen David Gold, actor James Monroe Iglehart, and The Goldbergs creator Adam F. Goldberg.

So what is Marvel teasing? It’s likely not a tie-in to the August-launching Absolute Carnage #1, just based on the sheer volume of teases. August of 1939 was when Marvel Comics #1 hit newsstands, though, and some have already speculated both here and elsewhere that these teases have something to do with Marvel’s 80th anniversary. That seems to me to be the likeliest thing as well, though the nature of what that project might be is still unknown at this time.
Whatever it is, Marvel seems to be pulling out all the stops, and Al Ewing’s going to be busy.
UPDATED 2:49 PM Eastern: a few more teasers have trickled out. The addition of the Immonens teaser (captured from an Instagram story for their webcomic) now puts the women:Al Ewing ratio at 8:7.

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UPDATED 5:32 PM EASTERN: One more, with a bit of cheek from Hickman referring back to he and Weaver’s lateness on their SHIELD book.
UPDATED 5:59 PM Eastern: And there’s another Al Ewing entry. The ratio of teams with women:teams with Al Ewing is back to 1:1, restoring the (im)balance.

FINAL UPDATE 7:06 PM Eastern: One more tease, this one from Kieron Gillen, who apparently either forget to post his or is just as late as Hickman:

That brings the number of teases, between yesterday and today, to 55 creative teams. I realize I forgot an Al Ewing tease from yesterday, so the number of creative teams featuring Al Ewing is actually higher than the number of creative teams featuring women. So that’s fun. One of the creative teams features two women, though, so the # of female creators includes equals the number of Al Ewings included. Also fun.
CB Cebulski posted the following, indicating the completion of Phase 2, and that a formal announcement is coming tomorrow:

Something to look forward to for a Friday.

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