Gunpowder Milkshake is out now! The new Netflix action-thriller follows the reckless and wildly unstable life of professional assassin Sam (Karen Gillan), who was brought up in this world by her absentee assassin mother, Scarlet (Lena Headey). When Sam finds herself in an unusual situation with an unexpected partner in a young girl named Emily (Chloe Coleman), it reunites her with the legends that started it all, including her group of aunties Anna May (Angela Bassett), Florence (Michelle Yeoh), and Madeleine (Carla Gugino).
The Beat was on hand to speak with Writer & Executive Producer Navot Papushado about the creative process of bringing this action-packed gem to screen and what other films heavily influenced him.
In our other two interviews, watch stars Karen Gillan, Angela Bassett, and Carla Gugino share what drew them to the project, how they got involved, onscreen partnerships, how they walked away changed from this film, and so much more!
Gunpowder Milkshake is now streaming on Netflix!