Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One, the animated adaptation of the acclaimed miniseries by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale, arrives on Blu-ray and Digital this Tuesday. After releasing a clip from the film earlier this week, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has unveiled four new images from the film most notably the first victim of the mysterious Holiday Killer.
Stay tuned here at The Beat for interviews with the cast and crew.
Produced by Warner Bros. Animation and DC, the feature-length animated Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One will be distributed by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment on Digital and Blu-ray on June 22, 2021.
As romances go, few are quite as intense, complicated or otherwise enthralling as the mesmerizing chemistry between Batman/Bruce Wayne and Catwoman/Selina Kyle. Jensen Ackles (Supernatural, The Boys) and the late Naya Rivera (Glee) provide the voices of Batman and Catwoman, respectively, in Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One.
Scenes in Arkham Asylum offer another glimpse into the stylized art direction ofBatman: The Long Halloween, Part One. That’s where you’ll find the notorious Calendar Man toying with his visitors Batman and Police Captain James Gordon – seen here in the reflection of the glass front of Calendar Man’s cell. David Dastmalchian (The Suicide Squad, Dune, Ant-Man, The Flash) provides the voice of Calendar Man opposite Jensen Ackles (Supernatural, The Boys) as Batman and Billy Burke (Twilight, Revolution, Zoo) as James Gordon.
Harvey Dent gives a foreshadowing of his villainous, conflicted future when allowing a coin flip to decide his next move in a key scene from Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One. Josh Duhamel (Transformers, Jupiter’s Legacy) provides the voice of Harvey Dent, while Jensen Ackles (Supernatural, The Boys) supplies the voice of Batman.
Batman: The Long Halloween covers an entire year of serial killings in Gotham City, starting with the first murder by the Holiday Killer: mobster Johnny Vitti, assassinated in his own bathtub, and an ominous jack-o’-lantern left at the scene.