This week’s Heavy Metal #305 features the first chapter of Swamp God, a new serialized story written by Ron Marz, illustrated by Armitano DC Alonso, and lettered by Troy Peteri. A horror story set in the waning days of the Civil War, the series follows two groups of soldiers — one Confederate, the other an all-Black Union unit — forced to join forces after an ancient evil is unwittingly awakened. Today The Beat has an exclusive preview of the first six pages of Swamp God Chapter 1.

On the origins of the series, Marz told The Beat:

“This is a story I’ve been wanting to tell for a while, combining two of my real loves: historical fictional and visceral horror. I had read about how slowly word of the Civil War’s end traveled to soldiers in the farthest regions of the conflict, and that got my creative wheels turning. Swamp God is about what happens when sworn enemies are forced to depend on each other to survive a horror they can barely comprehend.”

Check out the exclusive preview for Swamp God below. The first chapter of the new series debuts in Heavy Metal #305, which arrives in stores and digitally this Wednesday, April 7th. Covers for the issue by Frank Frazetta and Jason Edmiston are also below.