DC’s been dropping bits and pieces about their DC Universe streaming platform for awhile now. For instance, we know that new animated and live action series like Swamp Thing, Young Justice and Titans are going to be on it.
It seems more news is about to drop and DC seems to consider it big news.
We’re so excited to share more with you tomorrow! Stay tuned!!! #DCUniverse https://t.co/BAdBOIRMdu
— DC Universe (@TheDCUniverse) June 27, 2018
See that tweet? We have confirmed that DC has contacted their freelancers and asked them to tweet the teaser, so you may be seeing variations on that floating around your Twitter feed.
Are those blurred comic book covers floating around in the teaser? It certainly appears so.
Does that mean they’re announcing the DC version of Marvel Unlimited for digital comics? That really is the question everyone’s been asking since these announcements began. We’ll know in the morning.
I’m not in the know. But I have yet to get any sense of DC creating an Unlimited type service as part of this DC Universe streaming app. DC seems to operate on the assumption that an Unlimited service would be counter productive to the retail side of their business.
I strongly doubt that it’s a full-on Unlimited type service – that would be counter to DC’s whole approach to publishing. Plus the push so far has all been on the streaming video content – I suspect that will be the bulk of the service.
It does sound like there will be some digital comics content available though. My suspicion is that it will be a curated selection of collections and what’s available will change periodically, probably tying in with whatever is available on the streaming video side (so Titans books for the Titans show, Swamp Thing books for the Swamp Thing show, Harley Quinn and/or Batman books for the HQ cartoon, etc. and as they put new content up, new books that tie-in to that content will appear as well.)
If there’s more to it then that then I’ll be happily surprised.
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