Two weeks ago, WB Animation and DC Entertainment released Reign of the Supermen, the animated feature follow-up to last year’s The Death of Superman. If you were waiting for the sequel to be available via a streaming service, you’re patience has paid off, as DC Universe announced today the addition of the film to their library of streaming titles. Reign of the Supermen joins The Death of Superman and other of WB/DC’s direct-to-video animated movies in the DC Universe streaming library. The service still doesn’t have a full slate of those DTV movies, but it does house all of the Batman- and Superman-centric films.
Along with Reign of the Supermen, DC Universe has also added over 1,000 new comics to their list of available issues. Some highlights of the new additions include perennial favorites like Superman for All Seasons and Superman: Secret Identity; recent Rebirth storylines like “The War of Jokes and Riddles” from Tom King and Mikel Janin’s Batman; and classic stories like Alan Moore’s complete run on Swamp Thing and Jack Kirby’s original New Gods series.
The comic additions come in the wake of some question about the future of DC Universe’s comics library. With news breaking earlier this month that DC had added a significant portion of their back library to Comixology Unlimited, the company’s commitment to comics as part of DC Universe was in question. It’s nice to see the publisher still adding a substantial number of new books to DC Universe, particularly for those subscribers who already paid for an annual membership.
A full list of the new titles offered by DC Universe is below. Those comics, plus the Reign of the Supermen movie, are all available now.
Action Comics (2016) #957-962 (“Path of Doom”)
Action Comics (2016) #963-966 (“Welcome to the Planet”)
Action Comics (2016) #967-972 (“Men of Steel”)
Action Comics (2016) #985-992 (“The Oz Effect”)
Arrow: The Dark Archer #1-12
Batgirl (2016) #1-17, Annual #1
Batman (2011) #676-683 (“Batman R.I.P.”)
Batman (2011) #1-7 (“The Court of Owls”)
Batman (2011) #8-12, Annual 1 (“The City of Owls”)
Batman (2011) #13-17 (“Death of the Family”)
Batman (2011) #21-24 (“Zero Year — Secret City”)
Batman (2011) #25-33 (“Zero Year — Dark City”)
Batman (2016) #25-37 (“The War of Jokes and Riddles”)
Batman & Dracula: Red Rain
Batman Incorporated (2010) #1-8
Batman Incorporated (2012) #1-13
Batman: Europa #1-4
Batman: Gates of Gotham #1-5
Dark Nights: Metal — Dark Knights Rising
Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity #1-3
Black Lightning (1977) #1-11
Day of Vengeance: Infinite Crisis #1-6, Day of Vengeance: Infinite Crisis Special
Deathstroke (2016) #1-6, Deathstroke: Rebirth #1
Detective Comics #871-881 (“The Black Mirror”)
Flashpoint #1-5
Gotham Central #1-40
Green Arrow (2001) #16-21 (“The Archer’s Quest”)
Green Arrow (2011) #1-16
Green Arrow (2016) #1-6 (“The Death and Life of Oliver Queen”)
Green Lantern (2011) #0-20
Green Lantern Corps (2006) #20-57
Green Lantern Corps (2011) #0-14
Green Lantern: Rebirth #1-6
Green Lanterns #1-32, Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1
Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps #1-36
Harley Quinn (2000) #1-38
Harley Quinn (2013) #0-25
Huntress (2011) #1-6
Identity Crisis #1-7
Infinite Crisis #1-7
Injustice 2 #1-17
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Two #1-24, Annual #1
Invasion! #1-3
JSA: Classified #1-9
Justice League (2011) #7-12 (“The Villain’s Journey”)
Justice League (2011) #40-50 (“The Darkseid War”)
Justice League (2016) #1-5 (“The Extinction Machines”)
Justice League (2016) #20-25 (“Endless”)
Justice League (2016) #34-38 (“The People vs. The Justice League”)
Justice League of America (2017) #1-6
Nightwing (1996) #1-39, Annual #1-2
Nightwing (2011) #8-12 (“Night of the Owls”)
Nightwing (2016) #1-8, Nightwing: Rebirth #1 (“Better Than Batman”)
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #1-18, Annual #1, Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1
Red Hood: The Lost Days #1-6
Robin (1991) #1-5
Secret Origins (1986) #1-50, Special #1, Annual #2
Starman (1994) #1-60, Annual #1
Static Shock (2011) #1-8
Suicide Squad (2011) #1-13
Superboy (2010) #1-11
Supergirl (2005) #0-12
Supergirl (2011) #1-7 (“Last Daughter of Krypton”)
Supergirl (2016) #1-6 (“Reign of the Cyborg Superman”)
Supergirl (2016) #7-12 (“Escape from the Phantom Zone”)
Superman (1987) #204-215 (“Superman: For Tomorrow”)
Superman (2016) #1-41
Superman for All Seasons #1-4
Superman: Secret Identity #1-4
Superman/Batman #1-26
Saga of the Swamp Thing #21-38 (the first half of Alan Moore’s run)
Swamp Thing #39-63 (the second half of Alan Moore’s run)
Teen Titans (2016) 1-16
The Authority #1-29
The Flash (1987) #62-106, #0 (the first three years of writer Mark Waid’s run)
The Flash (1987) #164-213 (writer Geoff Johns’ run)
The Flash (2010) #1-12
The New Gods (1971) #1-19
The Omega Men (2015) #1-12
The Spectre (1992) #1-22
Titans (2016) #1-12, Annual #1
Wonder Woman (1987) #195-217 (Greg Rucka’s original Wonder Woman run)
Wonder Woman (2016) #1-14 (Greg Rucka’s Wonder Woman Rebirth run)
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