Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One, the animated adaptation of the acclaimed miniseries by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale, arrives on Blu-ray and Digital next month. In anticipation, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has released four new Long Halloween images highlighting Selina Kyle better known as Catwoman, voiced in the film by the late Naya Rivera (in her final acting performance).
Check out the Long Halloween images below.
Produced by Warner Bros. Animation and DC, the feature-length animated Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One will be distributed by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment on Digital and Blu-ray on June 22, 2021.
Among the complicated relationships within Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One is the liaison of Batman and Catwoman. Balancing romance and gamesmanship, the hero and the anti-hero follow the path of the Holiday Killer while getting personal as both their costumed aliases and their roles as Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. Catwoman/Selina Kyle is voiced by the late Naya Rivera (Glee), and Jensen Ackles (Supernatural) voices Batman/Bruce Wayne.
Catwoman leads Batman to a huge stash of Falcone money in a turning point scene from Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One. Catwoman is voiced by the late Naya Rivera (Glee).
A close-up image of the alluring, unpredictable Catwoman, who is voiced by the late Naya Rivera (Glee) in Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One.
Catwoman gets into some precarious positions in Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One, but as the saying goes, cats always land on their feet. So goes the tale of Catwoman – voiced by the late Naya Rivera (Glee) – as she matches Batman step-for-step in their pursuit of the Holiday Killer.
Montoya is startling here, not on the grounds that she was not in the first story, but rather in light of the fact that it’s generally accepted that she didn’t turn into a cop until well after Batman’s initial years.
Odd that Video Animation Company mentions Renee Montoya as she isn’t at all referenced in the article. For my part, I’m a little disappointed that Catwoman’s character design diverges so much from the graphic novel. Then again, ‘Batman: Year One’ didn’t utilize Frank Miller’s design for Catwoman either.
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