Marvel Comics has announced a new set of variant covers celebrating the release of the Captain Marvel feature film. You would think that means the covers feature Carol Danvers in her heroic glory, right? But no, these are even better.
These covers feature cats.
Six Marvel titles will sport “Marvel Meow” variant covers. Each cover features a new nine-panel story in which the greatest heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe interact with cats! Japanese artist Nao Fuji is providing the art for these variants. The full covers have not yet been revealed, but will be slowly rolled out, presumably a panel at a time, via Marvel’s Instagram account. These new covers are available as incentive variants for retailers, with one copy orderable for every 10 standard cover ordered.
The following titles, releasing at the end of March, are receiving cat-themed variants
- Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #4
- Guardians of the Galaxy #3
- Meet the Skrulls #2
- Thor #11
- Wolverine: Infinity Watch #2
- Daredevil #3
Personally I hope the Wolverine: Infinity Watch cover adapts the best scene from X2:
So why cats? In the comics, Carol Danvers famously has a pet cat named Chewie (spoiler alert: Chewie is secretly a shapeshifting alien called a Flerken); in the forthcoming movie, that name has been changed to Goose. If the amount of merchandise and marketing push for Goose is any indication, it looks like he’ll be playing a big role in the film. Could Goose be a different type of shapeshifting alien?
Check out preview panels from three of the cat-themed variants, as well as full details on the characters featured in the covers, below. The Marvel Meow covers will be available on March 20th and 27th.
New York, NY—February 14, 2019—From Black Cat to Hellcat to Kitty Pryde, cat-themed heroes have had an iconic presence in the Marvel Universe – this March, celebrate CAPTAIN MARVEL as Marvel pays homage to one of comics’ most famous felines with a series of MARVEL MEOW variant covers by Japanese artist Nao Fuji! Each variant cover will feature a mini comic centering on heroes like Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Rocket and Groot, Carnage and Venom, and Wolverine – proving there is nothing cooler than a cat who hangs around super heroes!
Please note that the art on the attached covers is one panel of a nine-panel comic. Keep checking Marvel’s Instagram to see the full comic strips, which will also be featured on the variant covers of these select March books!
- THOR #11
This is highly compatible with Marvel’s target audience of cat ladies.
Awaiting shout outs to the cool wine aunts.
Thanks, Marvel, for doing your part to kill the direct market.
No pretense about this being for women, the “young adult” readers in middle school, or being fun and spontaneous, anymore?
The goal of the current leadership at Marvel is to destroy the market?
Destroying something is not the same thing as creating something new. Somehow, I don’t think Sana Amanat will be remembered in the same light as Walt Disney.
Protest Art and Dadaism were not legitimate art movements. Their purpose was to subvert and destroy Fine Art, which their proponents saw as meaningless, at best.
I just saw how many Facebook share-with-friends this post has accumulated. Marvel are evil geniuses.
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