Even on this side of the pond, the drama and antics of the British royal family are captivating. Maybe it’s because we don’t have queens and princes here, but the ups, downs, ins, and outs of what it’s like to be a royal—and the fallout of breaking free from them—are too fascinating. Thanks to writer Anthony Del Col and artist Josh Adams, we get another glimpse at what is going on at Windsor in A Battle Royal: The Two Sides of Harry and Meghan’s Fairy Tale Romance.
Along with colorist Irma Kniivila and letterer Taylor Esposito, Del Col and Adams have been adding their storytelling talents to Insider’s graphic novella collections for a while now, following not only Harry and Meghan but also some of our own political drama. Editors for this tale are Walter Hickey and Mikhaila Friel.
In Battle Royal, the creative team takes a closer look at what caused Harry and Meghan to sever ties from their royal duties, relying on real-life quotes, snippets from media outlets, and excerpts from the pair’s infamous tea-spilling interview with Oprah.
Follow the link here to read A Battle Royal: The Two Sides of Harry and Meghan’s Fairy Tale Romance. Explore Insider’s other comics here.