
You can now read Warren Ellis’s weekly newsletter, or at least the most recent one, at this link. In his newest one he reveals his statins are very good—Ellis recently had a health scare, as described in the newsletter, and it’s great to hear he’s doing well. He also says that newsletters are the new hotness.

Newsletters, as the online media never sickens of telling you, are The New Thing. In the same way that texting became the dominant form of telephonic communication despite being as old as the telegraph. There are, once again, significant businesses mounted atop newsletters — Lena Dunham will shortly be the next person to do that. That whole thing is a little weird for me. I’ve been doing newsletters since the 1990s. I was around when email newsletters were a genuinely new thing. I was around when newsletters died under the crush of the Peak Email period. I started again when it was a bizarre retrograde thing to do. Now it’s The New New New Thing. Maybe there should be an extra New in there. Last year I was getting mentioned in Techcrunch for OO’s extraordinary readership. Today we’re a secret society again. I have the business acumen of a manatee.

I think I mentioned this on Twitter a few weeks ago and Sarah Glidden suggested making a list of creator newsletters. I know of only a ew so if you have one add it in the comments? I’ll make a master list when I have enough.

Matt Fraction and Kelly Sue De Connick
Sarah Glidden
Jessica Abel

Like said, I’m sure there are more!

ALSO, PLUG TIME, you can subscribe a variety of FREE newsletters from Publishers Weekly, including PW Comics Week, of which I am co-editor along with Calvin Reid.


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