In the superhero equivalent of “A-LIST MOVIE STAR GOT A CONTROVERSIAL NEW HAIRSTYLE,” Superman lost his red briefs during DC Comics’ New 52 universal reboot. Six years on, however, the briefs are coming back with Action Comics #1000.

After another costume change during last year’s Rebirth initiative, Superman’s outfit is receiving another revamp in Action Comics #1000. The new costume will combine old and new elements and make its debut with a brand new cover, pictured below, by artist and DC co-publisher Jim Lee.

The press release accompanying this image also confirms that writer Brian Michael Bendis will make his DC Comics debut in Action Comics #1000 with a 10 page story to be drawn by Lee. They will join the following creative teams on the title:

  • Superman writer Peter Tomasi and artist Pat Gleason
  • Action Comics writer and artist Dan Jurgens
  • Superman movie director Richard Donner and New York Times best-selling writer Geoff Johns, with art by Olivier Coipel
  • Marv Wolfman will pen a script based on unpublished art by Gold & Silver Age artist Curt Swan
  • Paul Dini with José Luis García-López
  • Tom King with Clay Mann and Jordie Bellaire
  • Brad Meltzer with John Cassaday and Laura Martin
  • Louise Simonson with Jerry Ordway
  • Scott Snyder with Tim Sale

More creative teams are expected to be announced before Action Comics #1000 hits store shelves on April 18th.


  1. Some heroes were always meant to wear their chonies. (Superman, Batman)
    Others look better without ’em (Spidey, Captain Mar – – uh, Shazam)

  2. This is why the genre gets laughed at. Forget crap stories, editorial nightmares, double shipping event fatigue THIS is the hot topic. And now all the squealing man children can feel like they’re having a bubble bath while the potential younger audience audience will have a good laugh and move straight onto Image.

  3. I dont know how I feel about this to be honest. I really liked the Rebirth costume. It was a really nice combination of the classic look with a modern take.

  4. New 52 suit was trash. We know it was to cover up the lawsuit. Then blue boots, then a red belt…

    You have to know when it’s time to stop and ask for directions.

    That said, what the hell is going on with this cover? It’s terrible, like Lee was on a deadline with five minutes to spare.

    Anatomy is terrible, perspective is bad, costume is rushed, he’s capapbale of so much more, instead, it’s a hack job on issue 1000.

    Wristicles need to go. Get out the eraser, or white out, and fix that nonsense.

    Cover should have gone to Neal Adams.

  5. I think that a lot of DC artists must be breathing a sigh of relief for this reversion. I found it always telling that superstar artists – like Kevin Nowlan, Luis G Lopez, Darwyn Cooke and Neal Adams – got to draw Supes with his red jocks, in their variant covers and pin-ups.
    Jim Lee’s art was awful and the whole design was untenable. It also jarred completely with Morrison and Morales’ vibe on action comics. The Nehru collar, red-underpantless figure is barely Superman.
    Slight improvement with Johns and Romita but so glad to be back to the real thing – and with underpants now!

  6. Oh God why… I’ve Loved Superman ever since I was a small child. I dressed up as Superman for at least 9 Halloweens. But his need to wear his underwear on the outside of his clothes has always been highly cringe-worthy to me. Why the fuck do people want this back. God I can’t believe people asked for this…

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