Wonder Woman 1984 may not be happening as soon as we hoped, but Empire magazine is coming up with two covers featuring the Amazon princess, along with exclusive images and interviews with the cast and crew.
Much like the groovy neon posters before, these two Wonder Woman covers of the latest Empire are all in on the ’80s vibes. Plus, anyone who gets the magazine itself can treat themselves to exclusive images and interviews with Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal and director Patty Jenkins.
Wonder Woman 1984 was delayed a few weeks ago as another of the many blockbusters kicked off their summer debuts by coronavirus concerns and impending theater closures. WW84 is now hitting theaters on August 14, as opposed to its planned June 5 release. The movie follows Diana’s battle against two villains – longtime friend turned enemy, the Cheetah (Wiig) and media businessman/telepath Maxwell Lord (Pedro Pascal) – as well as the unexpected return of love interest Steve Trevor (Pine). WW84 also stars Connie Nielson as Diana’s mother, Hippolyta and Robin Wright as Antiope, Hippolyta’s sister, with Natasha Rothwell, Ravi Patel, Gabriella Wilde, Kristoffer Polaha and Amr Waked . in as of yet undisclosed roles.
Empire’s Wonder Woman 1984 issue arrives on Thursday April 16.