Just as American Idol is getting a scary looking reboot, a real talent contest took place yesterday, an event on the tension and triumph/tragedy spectrum somewhere between San Diego’s Hoteloween and getting into the state finals.
Exhibitor applications for TCAF (Toronto Comics Arts Festival) went out yesterday, and just like in American Idol, there were three rooms: the one where you got to go on, the one where you didn’t and the one that was a waitlist. And the twitter reactions were just as jubilant or deflated.
TCAF is one of the world’s best comics shows, and space is at a premium, so many more crators apply than are accepted – plus because of the size limitations, many individual cartoonists are rotated in and out each year. Just because you were chosen last year is no guarantee of getting in again, in fact it may weigh against you.
Exactly what formula the TCAF staff uses to pick exhibitors is unknown but before we meet the contestants, here’s a reminder: You can still apply for VANCAF, the west coast sibling show.
We know folks are hearing about their #TCAF status today, which seems like a good time to remind everyone that VanCAF exhibitor applications are still open! https://t.co/npD64t469N
— VanCAF (@VancouverComics) January 9, 2018
And now some of the jubilant winners, some familiar but many first timers. I had barely heard of many of these artists so consider this your early guide to TCAF debuts.
Mindgator 2 #sketches
Looks like I’ll be tabling #tcaf2018 this is essentially the my first con outside of Japan. Good things are coming with me and will be available for the first time at tcaf. Hope to see you there! pic.twitter.com/JFEFoZWorw— MuleleRedux (@muleleredux) January 9, 2018
After two years of applying to TCAF, I finally got in……!!! Anyone else going?!
— Haku✨Cape of Spirits s3!!! (@hakuku) January 9, 2018
turns out they sent the wrong email and i actually got into TCAF. rollercoaster day.
— Christopher Sebela (@xtop) January 9, 2018
We're still trying to process the fact that we just got into #TCAF! Come hang with us for @TorontoComics if you can!!! pic.twitter.com/Z45V9he1aL
— Fine OK Press @Thought Bubble (@fineokpress) January 9, 2018
i'll be exhibiting at tcaf in may 2018
— kristina.exe (@Sskessa) January 9, 2018
I got into TCAF :>
— Miranda Harmon (@MirandaMHarmon) January 9, 2018
I got accepted to TCAF! See you all folks in Toronto ❤️
— Eggman Comics (@eggmancomicsgng) January 9, 2018
"Hello! Thanks for your interest in exhibiting at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival, May 12th and 13th, 2018, with a professional development day on May 11th. We’re pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as an exhibitor!
You Requested: 6 FOOT TABLE, FIRST FLOOR" pic.twitter.com/m9ZueXVDaZ
— Sandy (@skimcasual) January 9, 2018
Folks, we're incredibly honored to say: WE'RE GOING TO BE AT TCAF! Who else is gonna be in Toronto?
— Margins (DATES 3 on sale now!) (@marginscomics) January 8, 2018
So I got into TCAF and now I'm in panic mode.
— Theodore Taylor III (@tedikuma) January 8, 2018
Heyyyy I got a table for TCAF. Should be up to Goro #6 by then.
— Sarah Horrocks (@mercurialblonde) January 8, 2018
Thrilled to confirm that I will be set up at #TCAF 2018!https://t.co/yhUTE0VWmU
— Jim Zub (@JimZub) January 8, 2018
Landed in Vancouver to the good news that I got into TCAF!!! Yeah!!! Get ready for a hecka lot of new comics coming soon!
— ✨Christine✨ (@OneChrispy) January 8, 2018
Great news y'all, I got into TCAF! Less great news, I need to hustle up 200$ for my table, and lots more money to print books.
— Cat making Barbarian Comics (@fairywarriorcat) January 8, 2018
My application for a table at #TCAF 2018 has been successful so I’m pleased to announce I will be there, with bells on, this May. Thanks @TorontoComics
— Oliver East (@olivereast) January 8, 2018
Namesake/Valor team going to TCAF baby!
— Isa //Mothman is WILD and FREE and cannot be tamed (@Secondlina) January 8, 2018
Excited to announce My TCAF application was successful
— Christian Ward (@cjwardart) January 8, 2018
I guess I got into TCAF.
— J.N. Monk (@JN_Monk) January 8, 2018
But over on the waitlist and the rejection pile, it was sadness, Zen acceptance or maybe getting up the gumption to try again!
A little disappointed I didn't make it into tcaf, but I can support the hell out of @TorontoComix while I'm there anyway!!! More time to work on Eos and my other upcoming projects
— Brenna @ truly just doing my best here (@pangolinart) January 9, 2018
Shout out to my fellow comic creators who applied to TCAF and did NOT get accepted. Your not alone. Stay strong, proud, and excited about your work. And remember, above all else, keep making comics! pic.twitter.com/fWBI2PpDid
— Ryan King (@Ryyyan_Kiiing) January 9, 2018
TCAF takes place May 12-13 with exhibitors located at the Toronto Reference Library and events throughout the city. Neither guests not any other details have been announced yet but here’s Sana Takeda’s lovely poster from last year to whet your appetite.
i’m always puzzled/amazed/curious at how creators can afford all the extra money to fly around the world to all these conventions ever year. Its gotta cost tens of thousands of dollars. I know they sell stuff at tables, but geez. The expenses…
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