
Okay… this is just a photo post.  Not much text or explanation.

Small Press area, via LA Weekly

Slash Film:


Obligatory cute animal snapshot
Eloise Mumford (nice specs!)
Adrianne Curry, Imperial commander
Offerings will occur at 10, 12, 2, and 4 PM. Sacrifices at Midnight.
Darkwing Duck and Megavolt

Vanity Fair slideshow

"How hot was it yesterday? I was so hot..."
Hey look, it's... *choke*


Paid participants? Fraternity prank? Self-help group?
The "One Nation" bus tour makes a stop in San Diego
Way Radd, Norrin!


  1. @Brian: That’s a replica of Chris Reeve, not a cosplayer. Not sure if it was wax or latex, but it was pretty lifelike even close up.