
We’re told this is the final Dynamite teaser in this campaign. A guy with a gun… a little hard to guess this one.


  1. It’s gotta be the Phantom. The Phantom is an inherited role so people think he’s a living ghost, not a succession of people. And #AllHail sounds like it should be followed by “the king,” which, given the other teasers, sounds like this is a sequel/reboot/spinoff of King’s Watch.

  2. it is the Phantom.
    But it’s not a Walker, it’s Lothar.
    In the end of Kings Watch the Phantom sacrifices himself to save the world. Lothar takes up the mantle and says “I’m the guy, until you find the next guy.”
    I’m very excited about this! Great direction for the character!

  3. Someone with good core strength. Try doing that pose at home: good luck.

    Okay, I’m with Phantom too. Jungle, costume, gun.

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