Marvel Studios’ The Eternals, directed by Chloe Zhao (The Rider), seems to be moving forward with the recent Angelina Jolie casting now being joined by Korean actor Ma Dong-Seok. The Wrap reports that the star of the South Korean zombie blockbuster Train to Busan has been cast in an undisclosed role.
Jolie is still in talks to play the Eternals’ Sersi, who the story will focus on, while there have also been rumors that Silicon Valley star Kumail Nanjiani is in talks.
If I were to guess which Eternal Ma Dong-Seok (also known as “Don Lee”) might play, I’d probably go with the group’s speedster Makkari. We can probably rule out the “openly gay/bisexual Asian actor in their 20s” role that’s been rumored, since Ma is pushing 50.
The Eternals, created by Jack Kirby in 1976, is one of the movies that Marvel Studios has been developing to follow next week’s Avengers: Endgame. It will likely begin filming later this year for release in 2020. So far, Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige hasn’t made any announcement about what movies might be released and when, although there has been a lot of conjecture about what Phase 4 might look like.
As of now, The Eternals and Scarlett Johansson’s solo Black Widow have both been gearing up to start production this year. Doctor Strange 2 is being developed, while James Gunn will return to direct Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3 after finishing The Suicide Squad for the distinguished competition.
I want Quasar to show up as Makkari’s best friend in any future eternals movie. Plot be damned!
Asia is the chief market for these movies, so the casting makes sense.
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