Tag: tony s. daniel
Tony Daniel’s EDENWOOD pits good against evil in a battle for the future
The ongoing fantasy epic will release from Tony S Daniel this September
Image Comics to publish Scott Snyder & Tony S. Daniel’s NOCTERRA
After long stint at DC both creators returning to creator owned wok
Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV and other creators take action in uncertain times
Kickstarter, webstores, indie distributors...whatever it takes to get books to readers.
PREVIEW: Punchline gets the last laugh in BATMAN #93
Plus, Batman crosses swords with the Designer.
NYCC ’19: DC Nation panel talks continuity, new stories
The panel featured Dan DiDio, Jim Lee, Tom King, Tony S. Daniel, Lee Bermejo, and N.K. Jemisin.
Tynion, Daniel, Miki and Morey announced as new Batman team
Well it's Batman Day everywhere, and if watching a Joel Schumacher marathon on TNT isn't enough for you here's some news: at an appearance at New York's B&N. DC co-publisher Dan DiDio - as...