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Tag: Ron Wimberly

photo of angouleme at night

Angoulême Memories: Creators recall their favorite moments at the festival

Angoulême's fiftieth anniversary is here. We conducted a survey asking international pros in the comics space for their memories and we bring them all for your reading pleasure.

Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC) announces 2022 special guests

Keith Knight, Maia Kobabe, Ron Wimberly, and Trina Robbins are among CXC 2022's two-dozen special guests.

Crowdfunding Watch: Bullied monsters, Ron Wimberly’s LAAB, and SciFi San Francisco

Crowdfunding is incredibly popular among the comics community. Raising funds through individual donors has enabled dynamic, diverse and innovative comics, anthologies and books, from an every changing group of creators. There's an avalanche of...

Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 11/14/16: “All are equal at a comic con”

§ Nice Art: It seems the comics world has come to a standstill for some reason. So here's a preview of a 2017 graphic novel: Gauguin: The Other World by Fabrizio Dori, part of...

Ron Wimberly’s ‘Black History in Its Own Words’ is coming in February

With his deluxe edition of Prince of Cats just out, Ron Wimberly is coming back to Image with BLACK HISTORY IN ITS OWN WORDS, a compilation of illustrations and quotes to be published  for Black History...

Image Expo 2016: Nothing is impossible – updated

Image Expo is kicking off with a stirring speech by Eric Stephenson. We'll social media it along for you   https://twitter.com/Comics212/status/717764720745254913 https://twitter.com/mannerminded/status/717766817070977024 https://twitter.com/technogreek/status/717769920008704001 https://twitter.com/friedpiecomics/status/717776999679287296 https://twitter.com/FoxForce5News/status/717770936204664832 First book to be announced: GLITTERBOMB by Jim Zub " a Hollywood Horror" story.   https://twitter.com/ComicsBeatLive/status/717770473455558656 NEXT UP: A...

Ron Wimberly Talks Communities, Creative Play, and the American Myth at SPX

As the Sunday of SPX got started, I had the opportunity to sit down with Ron Wimberly over "breakfast" in the mostly vacant hotel restaurant to discuss his work past, present, and future, what it means to foster community, and how we can adjust the Dream. Wimberly is known for Prince of Cats, She-Hulk, as well as Lighten Up on The Nib. As a note, this is more of a conversation, so expect depth and breadth, not release dates.

Comics Alert: Ronald Wimberly on New Orleans and Gentrification

Ronald Wimberly has a new two page comic in this week's The New Yorker recounting a trip to New Orleans ten years after Katrina and discovered a world of gentrification and AirBnB. The clever...

David Brothers: “I’ve got to keep banging the drum for more” [Interview]

David Brothers is one of the most accomplished writers-about-comics around, a blogger who recently moved into the industry himself as a member of the Image Comics staff. Having made a name for himself on...