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Tag: nycc ’18

NYCC ’18: Artist Chris Sotomayor Raises 1k for RAINN

by Will Henderson The world isn’t always the safest place, just ask artist and colorist Chris Sotomayor. He and his wife, to keep their daughters safe, have bought them personal (rape) alarms and bulletproof backpack...

NYCC ’18: The Deadly Class Premiere Brings Revenge, Romance and…Ronald Reagan

By Brandon Pascall I’ve been following Deadly Class since it’s inception five years ago. I was a sophomore in high school and much like Marcus (the main protagonist) I identified with his problems. For those...

NYCC ’18: DC Nation Panel— Dan DiDio Reveals Why He Hates Nightwing

DC's no-holds-barred panel between creators and fans returns to NYCC!

NYCC ’18: Get ready to see Alfred kick butt in GOTHAM’s final season

"Basically, what I’m trying to say is Alfred is Batman.”

NYCC ’18: DeMatteis and Howell Are Seeing Double in THE GIRL IN THE BAY

The miniseries is the latest offering from Dark Horse's Berger Books imprint.

NYCC ’18: Dark Horse Continues The Avatar’s Journey Once More

By Aaron Halls  10 years ago Avatar Aang defeated the Fire Lord in the epic series finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender, closing the chapter on a beloved cartoon for fans of all ages. Since then the Avatar universe has not only expanded in the form of...

NYCC’18: NYCC Team Q&A: Some New Concerns, But Fans Still Love the Show

As happens every year, Mike Armstrong, Event Director for New York Comic Con, along with selected staff, stood in front of a panel, and listened to attendees give kudos, complaints, and other suggestions about...

NYCC ’18: Marvel Animation Presents Black Panther, Secret Warriors, Lego Spider-Man and More

By Amanda Steele Marvel Animation Presents held a packed panel at 1:30 on Sunday afternoon. This panel was hosted by Cort Lane, the Senior Vice President of Animation and Family Entertainment.     To start off, Lane talked with James...

NYCC ’18: CBLDF’s Charles Brownstein on the Socially Combative Nature of Comics 

By Ricardo Serrano Denis  Comic books have a history of speaking out against tough topics in times were divisiveness, social strife, and even trauma are laid bare and haven’t even started to heal. One of the reasons...

NYCC ’18: Eliza Taylor Says ‘The 100’ Season Six Has ‘A Great New Energy’

By Samantha Puc When The 100 returns to the CW for season six, fans may experience a sense of déjà vu. After 125 years in cryofreeze, Clarke (Eliza Taylor), Bellamy (Bob Morley) and their friends...

NYCC ’18: “Ghost in the Shell – The Global Neural Network” Creator Panel

by Erica Friedman   The panel was moderated by Ben Applegate, Editor at Kodansha, with guests David Lopez (All-New Wolverine), Alex de Campi (Archie vs Predator, Twisted Romance), Genevieve Valentine (Catwoman) Brenden Fletcher (Motorcrush, Batgirl) and Alejandro Arbona (Editor of Ghost in the Shell: GNN)  Applegate started with...