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Tag: movie posters

SDCC ’20: The Resurgence of Illustrated Movie Posters

A panel of legendary artists discuss why the art of illustrated movie posters is back with a vengeance.
Zombieland 2 poster

Sony hopes you’ll remember to double tap the theaters with a new Zombieland 2...

The sequel hits theaters October 18, 2019.

STEVEN UNIVERSE: THE MOVIE poster reveals a shadowy threat looming over Beach City

A shadowy threat looms over Beach City — and Steven looks older!
onward early

Get a Glimpse of Fantastical Suburbia in the First ONWARD Trailer from Disney-Pixar

Chris Pratt and Tom Holland voice elf brothers in Disney-Pixar's Onward.

By Its Cover #1: What Comics Can Learn From Movie Posters

This is the third season of a column that judges a book by its cover. Catch up on the current season here, or view the complete archive. Welcome to BY ITS COVER: LEGACYBIRTH, where we...