Tag: Luke Cage
Ho Che Anderson reveals why Marvel got cold feet about LUKE CAGE: CITY...
Ho Che Anderson reveals that his Luke Cage project was canceled because Marvel was afraid he would be "attacked by right-wing nuts."
Netflix Marvel series are moving to Disney+ – with parental guidance
At last, the prodigals are joining their fellow MCU-stalwarts on Disney+. And it looks like Moon Knight will be violent!
Marvel abruptly cancels LUKE CAGE: CITY Of FIRE miniseries
Celebrated comic creator Ho Che Anderson revealed this project is "dead in the water"
#BlackOutTuesday – Dwayne McDuffie Week Day 6: Buck Wild, Hero for Rent!
Looking back at another great Dwayne McDuffie creation.
18 moments that should have been in MARVEL COMICS #1000, but weren’t
And one other thing...
OUCH: Netflix cancels Daredevil Season 4 amid tensions with Marvel/Disney
Netflix's purge of its once beloved Marvel shows continues!
Netflix cancels LUKE CAGE…is HEROES FOR HIRE imminent?
Marvel on Netflix may be in for some consolidation
SDCC ’18: Marvel’s Merch Exclusives Highlight Fantastic Four, Infinity War, and More!
Marvel reveals its SDCC 2018 goodies!
With ten days to go, here’s the newest trailer for LUKE CAGE Season 2
Luke finds himself in the midst of a major power-struggle in Harlem
Luke battles a new mysterious threat in the first trailer for LUKE CAGE Season...
Marvel television's bulletproof hero is back!
Dwayne McDuffie Week Day 6: Buck Wild, Hero for Rent!
First, Happy Birthday to what would have been Dwayne McDuffie's 56th Birthday today. Dwayne McDuffie Week still going strong!
After re-reading my Damage Control, it's clear McDuffie had a incredible penchant for parody that not...