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Tag: Luke Cage

Ho Che Anderson

Ho Che Anderson reveals why Marvel got cold feet about LUKE CAGE: CITY...

Ho Che Anderson reveals that his Luke Cage project was canceled because Marvel was afraid he would be "attacked by right-wing nuts."
daredevil season 2

Netflix Marvel series are moving to Disney+ – with parental guidance

At last, the prodigals are joining their fellow MCU-stalwarts on Disney+. And it looks like Moon Knight will be violent!
Luke Cage: City of Fire

Marvel abruptly cancels LUKE CAGE: CITY Of FIRE miniseries

Celebrated comic creator Ho Che Anderson revealed this project is "dead in the water"

#BlackOutTuesday – Dwayne McDuffie Week Day 6: Buck Wild, Hero for Rent!

Looking back at another great Dwayne McDuffie creation.

OUCH: Netflix cancels Daredevil Season 4 amid tensions with Marvel/Disney

Netflix's purge of its once beloved Marvel shows continues!

Netflix cancels LUKE CAGE…is HEROES FOR HIRE imminent?

Marvel on Netflix may be in for some consolidation

With ten days to go, here’s the newest trailer for LUKE CAGE Season 2

Luke finds himself in the midst of a major power-struggle in Harlem

Luke battles a new mysterious threat in the first trailer for LUKE CAGE Season...

Marvel television's bulletproof hero is back!

Dwayne McDuffie Week Day 6: Buck Wild, Hero for Rent!

First, Happy Birthday to what would have been Dwayne McDuffie's 56th Birthday today. Dwayne McDuffie Week still going strong! After re-reading my Damage Control, it's clear McDuffie had a incredible penchant for parody that not...