Tag: Joshua Dysart
Bad Idea is back with seven new series – and stickers
The controversial publisher is back with seven new series that look great, and come very unconventional marketing and sales plans.
Comics Crowdfunding Round-Up: FINDING JACK KIRBY IN A PILE OF ZINC, HERETICS, and 3...
This week's comics crowdfunding round-up includes some neon fantasy with a queer creative team and an anthology comic for Ukrainian refugees.
All proceeds from ZOOP's Comics for Ukraine: Sunflower Seeds anthology go to Operation USA to support Ukrainian refugees.
Is it possible to have a career in comics without a second income?
Twitter thread sparks latest round of expectation adjusting.
New publisher alert: TKO Studios comes out with Ennis, Epting, Dysart and more
A caravan of new comics publishers is headed to shops and nothin can stop them!
Advance Preview – Joshua Dysart Returns to Valiant for The Life and Death of...
The big bad from the original Harbinger and Harbinger Wars returns
Nice Art: Valiant announces THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TOYO HARADA by Dysart and...
We'll be getting to all these ComicsPRo announcements as we can, but here's one that looks really nice: THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TOYO HARADA, a six issue "prestige format" mini series by Joshua Dysart (HARBINGER,...
A Year of Free Comics: LIVING LEVEL-3: SOUTH SUDAN, a searing look at one...
Joshua Dysart and Alberto Ponticelli reunite for a troubling comic about the famine in South Sudan. The comic was sponsored by the World Food Programme.
Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 4/11/15: Raina Telgemeier’s Ponyo cosplay
§ At Emerald City, best selling cartoonist Raina Telgemeier showed she's not just the president, she's a customer, cosplaying as Miyazaki's Ponyo. Just when you thought life couldn't get any more awesome.
Joshua Dysart Unleashes ‘The Vine Imperative’ in Valiant’s “Imperium”
Valiant comics has been on the rise over the last few years in the direct market. Author Joshua Dysart has been instrumental part of the company's success starting with his first title for the publisher: Harbinger. After...
Micky Moran Visits the Stately Beat Manor Staff Pull for 9/2/15
Team Comics Beat, the world’s most important comic book website ever to grace the internet, sought out adventure and fun after a hard work week. However, we were graced with the appearance of Micky Moran....
Valiant shows off Doug Braithwaite’s Incredible Pages from Imperium
By: Alexander Jones
Imperium is coming. After getting briefed from Joshua Dysart on mission orders, check out these brand new pages from the fantastical Doug Braithwaite in a press release sent straight from the Valiant...