Onb4vhuz_400x400.jpgThey never learn! Yet another new comics publisher is getting into the ring, this one evidently well-funded as evidenced by some of the names attached. TKO Studios is based in LA, but just which of the shadowy new ventures we’ve been hearing about for a while we’re not sure of yet. Even their website requires a password to visit – although a tweet tells us you’ll soon be able to surf with glee. Best to follow on Twitter for now.

Their log line: “TKO Studios, a new comic book publisher set to redefine the industry.”

The vibe is definitely mid-aughts Vertigo  – not a bad period. Let’s call it action with character. Four launch titles have been annouced – but no launch date.



Nice graphics! Let’s lok at the line-up of launch titles:


The 7 Deadly Sins
Writer: Tze Chun
Artist: Artyom Trakhanov
Colors: Giulia Brusco
Letters: Jared K. Fletcher
Editor: Sebastian Girner

Writer: Garth Ennis
Art: Steve Epting
Colors: Bettie Breitweiser
Letters: Rob Steen
Editor: Sebastian Girner


The Fearsome Doctor Fang
Writers: Tze Chun and Mike Weiss
Art: Dan McDaid
Colors: Daniela Miwa
Letters: Steve Wands
Editor: Sebastian Girner


Goodnight Paradise
Written by Joshua Dysart
Art by Alberto Ponticelli
Colors by Giulia Brusco
Letters by Steve Wands
Edited by Sebastian Girner

So then! Chun is probably the least known name to comics fans, but he’s a writer on GOTHAM and directed the thriller COLD COMES THE NIGHT.

Without knowing the bona fides of the new venture, these are strong, albeit pretty safe choices to launch a line of comics, and soon they will take their place beside Aftershock, Valiant, the new Jemas company and other aspirants for market share.

Welcome to the club, TKO!

Some more info via twitter:











  1. Is there some sort of guarantee that if you launch a new publisher, Garth Ennis will give you one of his old war scripts?

  2. These look great! Ennis with Epting, could be just so freaking awesome that I am surprised I never desired it before. And then I scrolled down to look at Dysart’s book… and he’s re-teamed with his Alberto Ponticelli!! Magnificent! Singles are back in town. Not familiar with Tze Chun but he gets kudos by association, and with what looks like good genre

    Rarely connect with two prospects straight off the bat like this but there you go.

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