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Tag: J.T. Yost

The Beat’s Annual Creators Survey ’24-’25, Part Three: What was the biggest story of...

We wrap up this year's creators survey with lots of news from publishers - large and small - and a clear winner for the Story Of The Year for 2024.

Birdcage Bottom Books is shutting down publishing

Birdcage Bottom Books is shutting down publishing operations, but will continue to distribute their own and other publishers books.
So Buttons

Small Press Spotlight: Jonathan Baylis continues his heartwarming anthology with SO BUTTONS #12

The latest installment of the anthology includes celebrity meetings and more

Birdcage Bottom Books takes a slow and steady course in conquering the comics world

Birdcage Bottom Books is one of those publishers that quietly goes about its business. Never splashy, and spare in its releases when compared to other publishers, its low-key approach has succeeded in widening the...

The Beat’s Annual Creator Survey Part 5: From Emma Rios’ new book to “Blood...

Lots of art and opinions - just what the internet is good at.