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Tag: Iron Man 2

MY MCU Rewatch: Iron Man 2 and Thor – The Marvel Formula Rising

Iron Man gets confused and Thor starts his destruction of Asgard.

IRON MAN HOUR: Hannah Meets The Mechanic in Iron Man 3

The first Iron Man movie landed like a bomb blast in my personal pop culture universe, making me believe that superhero films could find their own voice while forming a dialogue with comics. Strict...

On the Scene: Pros Wrestle with Tony Stark’s Appeal in ‘Iron Man at 50’...

The fact that both the Iron Man character and the Avengers team has reached their 50th anniversary since creation hasn’t received a lot of attention in the press, and this could be because the...

Matt Fraction Says Iron Man 3 is as Big as The Avengers!

Matt Fraction skyped in to celebrate Iron Man’s 50th anniversary at a Comic Book Round Table event held at John Ordover's Soho Gallery for Digital Art in New York on Wednesday night, and provided...