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Tag: Howard the Duck

The All-New, All-Different Marvel Rundown Week Ten: This Holiday’s Best Book Will Shock You

Folks, I really don’t know what to say. Marvel's Secret Wars is running late (but has a new issue out this week!). This means the publisher has been launching titles that have revealed the post-Secret Wars...

NYCC ’15: Howard the Duck and Squirrel Girl join forces to fight convention crime?

Marvel decided to round out their New York Comic-Con with a Women of Marvel panel where the publisher announced a two-issue crossover with Howard the Duck and Squirrel Girl, two rising humor titles defying...

Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 4/20/15: Making money at crowded comic arts festival

  § There's been some chatter over the last week or so over this public FB thread by Stephen Bissette about what he sees as exclusion of certain creators at indie comics shows. It sprang...

MATT CHATS: Rob Guillory Chews on His Recent Marvel Work

Welcome to the weekly feature MATT CHATS. I've been doing regular interviews for awhile now, but now they have a name! Every Tuesday I chat with someone involved in the making, distributing, marketing, selling, etc....

Interview: Chip Zdarsky on Howard The Duck “I can’t think about these ducks and...

Marvel's new Howard The Duck #1 comic is on sale today and writer Chip Zdarsky talks about picking up the reigns, integrating the Marvel universe, balancing work and family, and the joys of being a man in comics.

Six new What The Duck covers for April with Aragones, Stokoe, etc.

April is Howard the Duck variant cover month for Marvel and here are six more -- these covers could function as a mini-FAQ for "famous images to parody" : American Gothic, check, Washington Crossing the Delaware, check, Iwo Jima, check and so on. I don't think there's been a Janet Jackson Rolling Stone cover parody yet, but give them time.

Howard the Duck comeback gains speed with “What The Duck??” April variants

Waugh! Marvel will release 20 variants covers in April celebrating Howard the Duck in a promotion with the saucy title of "What the Duck??" “Response to the announcement of the new Howard the Duck series has been staggering,” says Marvel SVP Sales & Marketing David Gabriel. “There were so many talented artists eager to take a quack at drawing a Howard cover we couldn’t resist building an entire variant month around him. This April is going to be WTD certified!”

Howard the Duck Dies on a Marvel Variant Cover (Not Really)

Howard the Duck’s life is in jeopardy, or so the newest Marvel variant cover on the first issue of his ongoing series makes us believe. The new comic book has an interesting new cover that shows...

Howard the Duck Comics Suddenly Available For Some Great Unknown Reason

On July 29th, Marvel released a whole bunch of old Howard the Duck comics onto ComiXology for what appears to be no reason. Okay wait, I guess they are fantastic books by the late great Steve...