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Tag: comics history

Will Marvel and DC ever team up again?

Are Disney and WB desperate enough to let their characters crossover in the comics once again?

RIP Mel Thompson, comics retailing pioneer

Comics retailing pioneer Mel Thompson passed away recently, and his colleagues remember his innovations

A Year of Free Comics: The Legendary Lynx rides again from Alex Segura!

Torn from the pages of Secret Identity, Alex Segura's comic in a novel The Legendary Lynx debuts from Zestworld

INTERVIEW: “A Marvelous Life” author Danny Fingeroth on Stan Lee

An in-depth discussion with editor, writer, and historian Danny Fingeroth about his Stan Lee biography, the perils of working at Marvel in the 1990s, Lee's relationship with Judaism, and much more.

Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 3/22/21: Happy 100th Birthday, Al Jaffee

Plus, Chris Conroy gets a promotion and a great tweet, Action Oscar Isaac, Paul Levitz's history lesson and so much more.

Analysis: Will comics survive the current crisis?

We need to put this all into perspective.

ADVANCED REVIEW: Masters of British Comic Art by David Roach

The kind of history book we should all be excited about!
Destiny and Mystique

A history of X-Men’s Destiny & Mystique

Now is a great time to brush up on the epic love between Mystique and Destiny.
Harvey Comics

INTERVIEW: JONNY HARVEY chronicles his journey through the history of HARVEY COMICS

The grandnephew of Harvey Comics founder dives into his family’s comic legacy in his new docuseries

Strontium Dog: The OTHER mutant revolution

British mutants: arguably weirder but arguably cooler.

INDIE VIEW: ‘Return to Romance’ is glorious melodrama

A collection of Ogden Whitney's mini-epics of love
Palookaville 23

INTERVIEW: Seth on CLYDE FANS, storytelling, memory and whether he actually owns a Clyde...

Seth looks back on 20 years of making Clyde Fans and what he's doing next.