Usagi Yojimbo creator and legendary nice guy Stan Sakai has had a difficult year as his wife Sharon has been undergoing many medical troubles. However, another tragedy struck the Sakai family, as Stan’s 20 month old grandson Leo has passed away after being found unconscious and not breathing. This is an unimaginable tragedy for anyone, and for people who have been so kind and giving and good as Stan and Sharon to undergo it is a harsh reminder of the random cruelty of life.
There was already a benefit underway to help with Sharon’s medical bills; while nothing can make things better, during times of stress, some extra cash to help with the unexpected can be of use. More details on various ways to help are here.
Oh my goodness. I can’t even imagine what they are going through right now. My thoughts and prayers are with them.
This is the worst news I have ever read.
Absolutely heart breaking. Stan Sakai is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met conventions, which makes it all the more horrible he’s going through so much tragedy.
My heart breaks reading this. I can’t even imagine the grief.
Oh no.
Stan & Sharon, when I met them over the years in San Diego, were so absolutely kind & genuine, that as I developed a distant FB acquaintanceship w/ Stan, I was thrilled. So talented AND so nice.
My heart breaks for them. They are in my thoughts. Please keep letting us know how we can help.
Thanks, Heidi.
Such horrible news, definitely going to help with the donation link
Your family is in my thoughts.
I have never met him but he is on my if he goes to a con I can afford list I will go specifically to meet him. Love Usagi and his work on 47 Ronin. He always seems so sincere and nice in his interviews this is just heart breaking.
Stan, Sharon and Family,
Words cannot even begin to express our sorrow, you are in our prayers.. Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the loss of your loved one.
Michael, Terral and Aaron
Stan Sakai is a gem and his work is legendary. Wishing peace for his family during these times.
If Stan Sakai reads this…
Sakai-san, I met you once and briefly in Hawaii at Kawaii Kon 2009. You seemed like a great man, you had nothing but smiles for your fans, I could feel good energy emitting from you. All I want to do is hug you, because I don’t know what to say. I hope that if you ever get back to Hawaii, or our paths cross again somewhere, that I may have the opportunity to do so or at least shake your hand.
Please hang in there.
)o( Moonbeam
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