With the scars and thrills of San Diego Comic-Con faded to memory, it’s time to step into the arena for New York Comic Con, which kicks off October 9-12th. although Super Week events will run all week. Press reg was extended but closed Friday. Pro reg is all gone, and closed early, even though even a pro badge now costs $40–up from $10 last year if memory serves. Pro day on Thursday is now also sold out for pros. However you can still buy some Thursday-only tickets online. If you want to get more tickets, selected days are still available at a few NYC area retailers, although most of these are sold out as well.
So yeah…if you’re trying to get into NYCC, it is a lot harder right now. BUT you can still get your Super Week card which gets you discounts at various events. NYCC is becoming a big spreading octopus of fun and if you’re local you can still have a full week of activity thanks to Super Week.
Also, many other changes are going on at the show. For instance, the Podcast Arena, an area where podcasters could set up and record from the show, has been discontinued, as discussed by Comic News Insider’s Jimmy Aquino (above with frequent co-host Joe Gonzalez):
The Podcast Arena at New York Comic Con has been discontinued. In an email I got from a rep, they said:
“For NYCC this year we will not have a dedicated area for podcast tables. Please let me know if you’d like me to put you in touch with our sales team for space at NYCC. ”

I think we all saw this coming for years and former COMIC NEWS INSIDER (CNI) co-host/current producer (and roommate) Joe called it last year saying he thought they’d be pulling the plug this year. The Arena was constantly shuffled around the floor each year and not really well placed on their website. And last year, we were put in the separate Artist’s Alley area and they didn’t put up our Podcast Arena sign. Most people I ran into said they had no idea where we were located nor how to find us. Foreshadowing indeed!
Podcast Arena started out as a great idea to let local comics media type some space, but it’s understandable that with rising costs, floor space at the Javits Center can no longer be given away. I’ll definitely miss nipping over to the CNI booth to sit down and charge my phone but that’s how the cookie crumbles.
However, NYCC is adding a the first NYCC Eastern Championships of Cosplay, billed as “the biggest and most prestigious costume contest on the East Coast and will serve as the first stop in the “Quest for the Crown,” a new Cosplay competition circuit that celebrates the very best in Cosplay design from all over the world.” In other words, spectacle!!!
PR below:
Cosplay veterans, former champions and amateurs alike will battle it out for a shot at the NYCC Eastern Championship Crown and over $10,000 in cash and prizes. The Eastern Champion of Cosplay will represent the East Coast in the C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay in Chicago in April 2015, the final round in the Quest for the Crown competition. Thousands of NYCC fans will watch in person and millions of people around the world will tune in via the New York Comic Con live stream to witness the spectacle and pageantry of this fun-filled competition celebrating the best Cosplayers the East Coast has to offer — entries spanning the worlds of comics, movies, television, video games, anime, manga, science fiction and fantasy!
“The Crown Championships of Cosplay began in Chicago last year, and we’re excited to now introduce this new leg of our Cosplay tournament here,” said Lance Fensterman, Global Senior Vice President of ReedPOP. “We love the evolution and growth of our contests — we’ve seen the best Chicago has to offer, and we look forward to expanding this now to reward the passion, dedication and craftsmanship of Cosplayers around America… and ultimately the planet.”
The Crown Championships of Cosplay debuted at ReedPOP’s Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo earlier this year, and New York Comic Con represents the kick-off of a larger Quest for the Crown competition that will span multiple events, all leading up to a final again set in ReedPOP’s C2E2. ReedPOP, with over 15 events around the globe, looks forward to setting up additional stops in the Quest for the Crown from the US to Australia, creating a new, worldwide platform to showcase the Cosplay community.
NYCC Eastern Championships of Cosplay Prizes will include:
- First Place/Best in Show
- Two VIP Tickets for C2E2 2015
- $1,500 Cash
- Airfare – within the continental US to C2E2 2015
- Hotel for two nights in Chicago for C2E2 2015
- Automatic Entry into the final round of the Crown Championships of Cosplay at C2E2
- $100 Gift Card to ReedPOP Supply Co.
- Second Place
- Two VIP Tickets for NYCC 2015
- $1,000 Cash
- $50 Gift Card for ReedPOP Supply Co.
- Third Place
- Two 4-Day Tickets for NYCC 2015
- $500 Cash
- $25 Gift Card to ReedPOP Supply Co.
Fans can register here for the NYCC Eastern Championships of Cosplay, starting today. All submissions must be in by 11:59 PM EDT on Friday, September 19.
Germany has had a cosplay championship for many years, culminating with the finals at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October!
I wonder where the western regionals will be held?
Thanks Heidi! As I mentioned, am sad to see the Arena go but am happy to not have the responsibility as well. Oh, and Joe is much more than a frequent co-host. He’s the original co-host and founder of the podcast. :)
Looks like we’ll both have to have our Mophie juice packs for our phones.
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