Let’s go, everybody! It’s NYCC time! Prepare for an avalanche of news updates from the convention. Let’s move to the X-Men panel, where some new storylines have been announced, as well as a relaunch – Peter David and Carmine Di DiGiandomenico will be the creative team for All-New X-Factor.
This is following on directly from certain parts of the previous volume of the series, most notably a Polaris/Quicksilver storyline which saw the former join a shadowy agency of some kind. Serval Industries are the name of this agency, a weapons-manufacturer with shifty intentions. Polaris will be leading a team of mutants as part of their newest unveiling, backed by her brother and by several other X-Men – the press release mentions Gambit as being in the team.
It seems like PAD may have made a little private joke or a a hint regarding the name of Serval Industries. Serval has been the french translation for Wolverine in the french comics of past …
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