In a push to bring widespread accessibility to the world, a new website has launched for Ghost in the Shell which features Japanese and English language pages. On it, you can find information about the various entries to the series, such as the original manga, the ’90s movie, and the subsequent shows that have followed since, as well as various products and links to the official streaming services that host these various anime.
There’s also a page that simply states “Coming Soon” for what seems to be a new project titled 攻殻機動隊 M.M.A. – Messed Mesh Ambitions_, what it could be however is being kept under wraps.
The website features a really sleek interface that feels as if you’re with a future technology and upon launch of the homepage, you’re greeted by a brand-new, beautifully large full-color illustration of Major by Shirow Masamune himself.
The first major feature, however, to be hosted on the site is a brand-new long-form interview by Masamune where he discusses everything from the original concept of the manga all the way to current technology he’s paying attention to. It’s well worth the read.
If you’re a fan of Ghost in the Shell, this is the perfect hub for you to get all the latest breaking news going forward.
The new site also provides this brief bio on Shirow Masamune and his work:
Manga artist and illustrator, [Masamune] began working in the field of manga and illustration in 1982. Since then, his major works include “Appleseed” and “Dominion” (1984 – Seishinsha), “Ghost in the Shell” (1989 – Kodansha), and the author of “Pandora in the Red Shell” (2012 – KADOKAWA). His main work as an animator is “Black Magic M66”. In addition, he is active in various other production fields, including games and art books.