Months in the making, Marvel Entertainment dropped something pretty cool this morning: a web-based short documentary series that asks musicians something basic but deep: “How has Marvel influenced you?” The first episode features Patrick Carney, the usually sangfroid drummer for the Black Keys, talking about his formative years and how the evolution of his love of baseball cards became the impetus for his love of comic book collecting and music.

Watch the video below!

The video, directed Jason Latorre & produced by Adri Cowan, is really a delight. Usually, Carney is made to be the curmudgeon (his semi-regular mini-reviews of new music on Vice being the paragon), but here he is positively effusive of the impact that comics had on him as a kid. Whether stealing them from his brother or buying them off the rack expecting them to turn as investments (“This is going to pay for my college,” he says, while holding a vintage issue of Guardians of the Galaxy), this episode makes it truly feel that comics made a significant impact on Carney’s life and career.

I’m excited to see where this series goes.