Writer Matt Fraction (Hawkeye, Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen) and artist Elsa Charretier (Infinite Loop) have a new comics project due out in September from Image Comics.
I had to exclude the title of said project from that first sentence, because it’s called November, and including it would have quickly turned this all into an Abbott and Costello routine (it’s called November and it’s out in September…what is?…November…etc.). Anyway, this is a bit of interesting project, and not just because it involves always-interesting creators like Fraction and Charretier. November will be a series of hardcover OGNs, with September’s release being the first of three. September’s release of November.
November follows the interlocking stories of three women over the course of one day and one night.
The full solicit (via Newsarama) can be found below:
November, Book One (of Three) HC
WRITER: Matt Fraction
ARTIST / COVER A: Elsa Charretier
NOVEMBER 06 / 80 pages / FC/ M / $16.99
The lives of three women intersect in a dark criminal underground. As fire and violence tears through their city over the course of a single day and night, they find that their lives are bound together by one man—who seems to be the cause of it all. One night. One city. Three women. NOVEMBER: the first in a sequence of three graphic novellas by MATT FRACTION (SEX CRIMINALS, Hawkeye) and ELSA CHARRETIER (Star Wars, Infinite Loop), with colors by MATT HOLLINGSWORTH and exquisitely crafted lettering by cartoonist KURT ANKENY.
Not to kill your joke, but despite being listed in this month’s Previews, the solicitation says it’s coming out November 6. Sounds like a cool project!
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