§ Nice Art: Next Spring First Second will publish Brazen by Penelope Bagieu, a collection of biographical comics about notable women in history. And The Lily is excerpting a few, starting with Queen Nzinga, who rulked Ndonga and Matamba and demanded to be treated as an equal and refused to take a king.
§ Alex de Campi has a nice process post on Twisted Romance, her upcoming anthology from Image:
That’s the background. The reality is I was up in Maine going quietly mad for the summer, had too much sugar one night, and emailed Eric Stephenson at Image the following “Hope you’re well! I’ve been chatting to friends about doing a 6-issue mini of romance one-shots, each collaborating with a different artist. Katie Skelly, Alejandra Gutierrez and Carla Speed McNeil all interested / down, and I’d need to line up three more artists. Is this the sort of thing Image would be interested in?” Folks, I hate to make you weep, but that was the entirety of my pitch. Eric emailed back after talking to their sales manager and suggested due to retailer reticence about anthologies that we instead do a four-issue run and make it weekly in February. Gulp.
§ Alex Dueben has a couple of excellent interviews up at Smash Pages: GG, the pseudononymous Canadian cartoonist:
I’m the worst at describing my own stories so I usually avoid describing or explaining them entirely! I think my comics are a description of themselves, if that makes sense? I rely on comics to describe things that I can’t say with only words – the images fill in for the missing words and vice versa – so that’s why I don’t really talk specifically about my stories very much. If I could describe my stories with just words, then I wouldn’t need to make comics. I also worry that when authors talk too much about their work, it closes off the possibilities for interpretation.
And Sophie Goldstein on House of Women, which reveals an excellent source:
Where did House of Women start?
The story began with the 1947 film Black Narcissus, about a group of nuns that start a school in the Himalayan mountains. Both the visuals and acting are hyper-stylized are there are a lot of astonishing set pieces, backdrops and crazy emotional highs. It just really struck me. I thought about reworking the story into a science fiction context and the story evolved from there. I don’t know if I was thinking about this at the time, but in retrospect the movie Splice played a big role in the development of House of Women as well. It’s a science fiction horror thriller that came out five years ago and one of the central story points from House of Women was more-or-less adapted from that. The book is basically a mishmash of stuff I really like.
I love Black Narcissus (one of the most beautiful movies ever shot) and I love House of Women!
§ The Comics Studies Society is holding its first conference next August and has a call for papers. Fire up those scholarly takes!
§ Douglas Wolk rounds up some graphic novel reviews for the NY Times. Hopefully their aggressive firewall will not block this for you.
§ Swapna Krishna has a look at the gatekeeping that some Star Trek fans are engaging in with Star Trek Discovery. This kind of thing is very very lame.
§ The post is private, but I can report that Jason Lutes has drawn the final page of Berlin, his long long long running comic set in the Weimar Republic.
§ NPR reviews Chuck Forsman’s I am Not Okay With This.
§ Hm: This 25th Anniversary Spawn Art Show Is Kind of Terrifying
§ You all know that in Hollywood EVERYONE LOVES SUPERHEROES, and everyone has BEEN IN A SUPERHERO MOVIE. Even the snobbiest celeb now proclaims how much they love Ma Hunkel. Well, Willem Dafoe has the guts to admit he wasn’t always on board, as when he was asked to play The Green Goblin in the Raimi Spider-Man movies:
“When ‘Spider-Man’ was proposed to me originally it was like, ‘Really, you’re going to make a movie from a comic book?’” Dafoe told Hugh Jackman on Variety’s ‘Actor on Actor’.
Strong talk! And:
Dafoe, 62, will next appear in the upcoming “Aquaman”, starring “Game of Thrones” star Jason Momoa in the titular role.
Sooner or later they all give in.
§ It turns out that Liniers, the Argentine cartoonist who draws amazingly good, is also a musician! Don’t you just hate these ultra talented people!
He is by trade a cartoonist, and he’s becoming a presence in the United States after his recent covers for The New Yorker. But Argentines have been familiar with him for over a decade — he’s had a daily cartoon strip called Macanudo in the Argentine newspaper La Nación for 15 years. Fans of his cartoons may not know that there is a very musical side to him. He’s collaborated with musicians like Uruguayan Jorge Drexler and the Argentines Kevin Johansen and Andrés Calamaro. Liniers currently resides in Vermont with his family on fellowship with the Center for Cartoon Studies.
§ I imagine that this tweet will become a mantra for those studying up on Avengers Infinity Wars. But if you want a more detailed run down of those pesky Infinity Stones, Popsugar has you covered. There WILL be a test!
§ And while everyone is studying each and every frame of the Avengers; Infinity War trailer, Cinemablend compares the footage shown at Comic-Con with the finished product for 11 Avengers: Infinity War Scenes From Comic-Con That Didn’t Make The Trailer. Unfortunately, it’s in that annoying slideshow format, so I will never know 10 or the 11 things.
§ If you are feeling down in the dumps, the consensus is to look at pictures of Taika Waititi or Thor Ragnarok to perk you up.
See? I told you!
“ I can report that Jason Lutes has drawn the final page of Berlin, his long long long running comic set in the Weimar Republic.”
Woah….wait a minute, wait a minute
…..repeat that last bit.
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