The CW has released an extended trailer for Katy Keene, the network’s upcoming spin-off of the Archie Comics-based Riverdale series. The new show stars Lucy Hale of Pretty Little Liars fame as the titular character, and Riverdale actress Ashleigh Murray reprising the role of Josie McCoy.

The trailer introduces Hale’s Katy Keene with some backstory on her mother and her goal of making it in the New York fashion world. It also sees her reunite with Josie, who has come to New York to follow her music dreams. Versions of classic Josie & The Pussycats characters Alexander and Alexandra Cabot are introduced, as are the show’s other leads, including Katy’s roommate Jorge (Jonny Beauchamp) and friend Pepper (Julia Chan).

Additionally, Deadline reports that some character crossover between Katy Keene and Riverdale have been confirmed. At a Summer TCA event, series executive producer Michael Grassi said that characters from Riverdale will likely appear on Katy Keene. Given the future timeline of Keene, any Riverdale characters who appear will be future versions of the characters.

Based on the trailer, the tone of Katy Keene certainly seems lighter than that of Riverdale, and feels on first glance to be a safer fit for The CW as a straight teen drama without all that messy stylized murder business. Check out the trailer above and see for yourself. Katy Keene is set to debut on The CW in early 2020.

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