On his FB page Jim Starlin, never one to mine words, laid out out the relative participation levels for Marvel vs DC:
Just received a very big check from D.C. Entertainment for my participation in Batman V Superman, Dawn of Justice (Anatoli Knyyazev), much bigger than anything I’ve gotten for Thanos, Gamora and Drax showing up in any of the various Marvel movies they appeared in, combined. Guess I’ll finally have to sit down and watch the movie.
Although Marvel/Disney have been better about giving creators some participation in films and TV behind the scenes, the generally frugal nature of Marvel Studios is pretty clear here. A minor character in BvS is worth more than than three major character in a beloved ranchise.
BvS did make $800 million worldwide so it was quite an earner.
“mince words”
GIve the many some money! Besides Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, Starlin’s characters and ideas had had a big impact on the Marvel movies and this influence will only grow in the next two Avengers movies. He is a great creator and should be mentioned in the same breath as Stan, Jack, Steve, John, etc. Pay the man Disney – we know you can afford it :)
Who was the minor Starlin character in BvS?
I believe Len Wein has said that he received much more participation money for the use of Lucius Fox in the Batman movies than he ever did for Wolverine in the X-Men films.
KGBeast…in civilian clothes…was in the movie and creation of Starlin’s.
Although Marvel/Disney have been better about giving creators some participation in films and TV behind the scenes, the generally frugal nature of Marvel Studios is pretty clear here
Been a fan from before KGBeaSt was created but I have heard this. Always heard that DC, especially under Paul Levitz’s tenure ensured that creators were compensated whend their characters were used in film or on TV.
George Perez and Carmine a Infantino were both compensated for Teen Titans Go and The Flash (first series)
Should’ve been ” but I’ve never heard this”
John Byrne posted on his message board that he has received a “sizeable amount” for “participation”. He’s not sure if it’s related to Supergirl, Suicide Squad or Superman v Batman.
Also posted he had received compensation from Marvel also, especially for Days of Future Past
Starlin had his opportunity to get money from Marvel over Thanos when he said he never signed the checks, and then took the high road and aaccepted wherever offer they gave him.
Not allowed to complain now.
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