A few days ago, Kevin Smith began to tease his annual Hall H panel at San Diego Comic-Con, this one to be focused mainly on his upcoming Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, the sequel to 2001’s Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Anyone familiar with Smith’s filmography knows that he first introduced the characters way back in his debut feature Clerks in 1994, and most of the movies in his “View Askwew-verse” have included them in some capacity.
Earlier in the week, the filmmaker previewed a teaser poster for the movie on Istagram with the first look at the new superhero sidekick “Chronic”…
The next day, Kevin Smith confirmed that Supergirl star Melissa Benoist would indeed be playing the new superhero Chronic in the new movie, and he posted a picture of her on set in her costume.
(For those keeping track, that’s TWO costumes that Benoist debuted last week after the new “pantsed” version of Supergirl that will debut when the show returns for its fifth season.)
Shortly after that picture of Benoist was posted, an actual trailer for Jay and Silent Reboot showed up over two days before the Hall H panel when most expected this trailer to debut. Was it leaked? And if so, was it leaked on purpose? Ever the showman, Kevin Smith wouldn’t normally allow a trailer to be released without saying something about it on social media.. and he has said NADA about the trailer.
Mind you, I was not a fan of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back — in fact, it was a rare movie that I walked out of just because I couldn’t stand another moment of it. Jay and Silent Bob Reboot looks like more of the same except that it seems to incorporate the same level of humor that Smith brought to his last movie Yoga Hosers, which in my opinion, is one of the WORST MOVIES EVER MADE!
Anyway, Smith has brought back a lot of the actors with whom he’s worked in the past, including Rosario Dawson, Jason Lee, Joey Lauren Adams, Justin Long, Shannon Elizabeth, Brian O’Halloran — some of whom you can see in the trailer along with a few other cameos. And of course, Jason Mewes is back as the “Jay” to Smith’s Silent Bob.
You can watch that trailer below — WARNING: this is Red Band and SUPER-NSFW (at least with the sound up), plus you can view a larger version of the poster by clicking on the image on the upper left.
If this looks like your kind of thing, than Jay and Silent Bob Reboot will be released by Saban Films on October 15 and 17 in a similar Fathom Events release as Rob Zombie’s Three From Hell.
50-year-old Gen X’ers, still wearing the backwards baseball caps. Sad.
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