Marvel Comics has released details for variant covers for the upcoming House of X miniseries. The series, along with companion title Powers of X, is part of writer Jonathan Hickman’s upcoming X-Men relaunch. The first issue will sport covers featuring the X-Men characters from throughout their history, drawn by classic X-artists like Dave Cockrum and Joe Madureira, as well as by newer superstars like Marco Checchetto and Sara Pichelli.
Here’s the list of variant covers revealed today for House of X #1, as well as the ordering ratios needed for retailers to get these covers:
- Mark Brooks Connecting Variant (Open-to-order)
- Marco Checchetto Character Decades Variant (Open-to-order)
- Sara Pichelli Variant (Open-to-order)
- Mike Huddleston Variant (1:10 Variant)
- Phil Noto Variant (1:25 Variant)
- Joe Madureira Variant (1:50 Variant)
- Dave Cockrum Hidden Gem Variant (1:100 Variant)
This list doesn’t include a few other variants for the issue, including an action figure cover by John Tyler Christopher, a Skottie Young cover, a premiere variant by series artist Pepe Larraz, and a party variant by an as-yet-unannounced artist.
Marvel loves their variants, so it’s no surprise they’d load these two books up with them, especially given how hard they’re pushing them. If you flipped through any Marvel comics this week, you probably noticed ads billing Hickman’s X-Men arrival as “The next seminal moment in the history of the X-Men.” That’s a lot of hype for the House of X and Powers of X miniseries, and there’s definitely a lot riding on the success of these two series. Hopefully Hickman can give the merry mutants a shot in the arm.
Check out the new variant covers below. House of X #1 is currently scheduled to hit store shelves on July 24th.