Well, we made it to another year. Amazing! Thanks to my fine writers and editors: Torsten, Todd, Jen, Shannon, Kate, Marc-Oliver, Paul O., Paul M. and Bruce for all their hard work. Thanks to Synsidar for the copy-editing help. Thanks to all my wonderful friends and pals who kept me sane: Zena, Nisha, Amy, Charlene, Desi, Trish, Sara, Elim, Dave B., Frank B., Charles, Calvin, Jah Furry, Josh, John, Ed, Suzu, and everyone else who helped out. Special thanks to Ben McCool, for living up to his name.
But the biggest thanks of all to all of you who make The Beat a part of your daily ritual. I’m entering my 10th year of running a daily website and to say that it isn’t a lot of work, would be inaccurate. But knowing that so many people enjoy coming here every day is what inspires me to keep going and to improve things. Bigger and better things are coming for The Beat in 2012…and hopefully for each and every one of you reading this.
Happy New Year to you too.
Bonne année to the whole Beat team ! :)
Count me as another follower of The Comics Beat who wishes the entire team a happy new year.
Hooray for the Beat! Happy New Year all you Comics lovers out there.
Hauoli Makahiki Hou! to all at the Beat!