Green Lantern Season 2, DC Comics’ psychedelic space cop-era series from writer Grant Morrison and artist Liam Sharp, will once again run for 12 issues, Sharp announced Tuesday with a Tweet.
This comes a few weeks after Sharp said in an interview that the book — initially announced to be 12 issues, just like the first season that preceded it — would be reduced to eight, dropping that tidbit during a conversation with Den of Geek.
Here’s Sharp’s Tweet announcing the return to the original length:
TGL season 2 WILL be 12 issues. Plenty more celestial craziness still to come…
— Liam ‘Sharpy’ Sharp (@LiamRSharp) March 3, 2020
Four more issues of Sharp doing career-best work to bring to life big Morrison ideas is nothing to scoff at.
Meanwhile, no reason was given publicly either time for the change. This recent re-extension does come, however, on the heels of co-publisher Dan DiDio departing DC Comics, which has presumably thrown the fate of 5G (rumored to have been a linewide relaunch of sorts) into question. Green Lantern Season 2 #1 hit shops this month, which means barring delays, the eighth issue would have hit in September, just a month shy of the likely start of 5G in October.
The book will now extend into next year.