Wonder Woman Earth One by Grant Morrison and Yanick Paquette has finally been published, after five or six years of behind the scenes delays. Reaction has been mixed, but the positive reviews have been strong, showing that Morrison may just have negotiated The Most Dangerous Job On Earth, namely writing Wonder Woman in a highly problematic atmosphere.
I chatted with Morrison about that and more in a profile at Publishers Weekly. While walking the line between Wonder Woman as feminist icon and Wonder Woman as alternative lifestyle champion has eluded many a writer and developer, and Morrison himself was never very interested in the typical Amazon Princess, he seems to have found a sweet spot for this book:
“Batman was crime and mystery, and Superman was science fiction, but Wonder Woman was actually magic and queer culture and alternative sexuality. That’s become hard for people to reapply because Wonder Woman’s become more symbolic of different things.”
While the fact that this is only the first part of a trilogy hasn’t exactly been a secret, given the positive response, the news that there are two more volumes on tap sounds promising, especially since Morrison admits that the conversation about gender, sex and feminism in comics has evolved quite a bit since he started working on this project. In fact, future volumes will have a lot more to say about some classic characters like Hippolyta, who’s his “favorite character:”
“I’m onto the second book, and she’s the one I’m more interested in.”
Morrison hopes to make a trilogy out of his Wonder Woman tales and is already well underway with the second volume. The evolution of feminist comics critique and wider discussion of queer and trans issues may have an impact on the next two books. “I hope to [bring some of that in]. The first one set things up….This series has really got me excited. It’s a whole new storytelling method and a whole new way of thinking.”
UPDATE: Artist Yanick Paquette confirmed via Twitter that’ he’ll be drawing both sequels. Good news!
I don’t see what’s so difficult about the character. She’s DC’s monster fighter like Thor is for Marvel. Batman is street level with themed villains, the hero an actual person could be. Superman is sci-fi protecting Earth from mad scientists and aliens while showing America what it represents by being an immigrant. Wonder Woman is about magic, fighting gods and monsters and getting people to reveal the truth destroying prejudice and hate. She’s truth, Batman’s justice and Superman’s the American way.
“She’s DC’s monster fighter”
That’s incredibly boring.
Wonder Woman: Earth One didn’t do much for me. Weirdly, it felt like Morrison’s most decompressed work. I hope he amps up the pacing in future volumes.
“That’s incredibly boring.”
Boring people get bored easily.
That kind of sexist nonsense, now that’s boring.
Yanick Pacquette needs to do ALL THREE BOOKS. Honestly, the art was mind-blowing. Simply gorgeous work!
This was a masterwork for Paquette. Worth the price of admission.
I’ll have to read it again, but it read like Morrison on his best behavior. The axis he’s working on now is taking me some getting used to.
Glad to hear the news. Looking forward to more.
I’ll give it a glance — it sounds interesting. But I’m always disappointed when Morrison focuses more on politics and message than on story and character. When he balances those four elements, his work is illuminating and entertaining. But when he’s off-balance, I find him to be pedantic and… well, boring. Still, I’ll read it and make up my mind then.
I do wish that DC would place more editorial emphasis on the Earth One books.
Ever since the first Superman book, each title has placed on the New York Times bestseller list, as an original graphic novel hardcover.
These titles are the few which have gained traction since the launch of the New 52. These, and Snyder’s Batman series.
The talent assigned are excellent, and the series create an alternate version which actually works.
(Unlike most of the New 52.)
Superman: Earth One debuted in 2010.
Since then?
Four series, seven volumes, with one more scheduled this year.
Flash and Aquaman have been announced, but wait and see…
At 144 pages, it should be possible to publish a volume a year, once the outline is finished.
DC should be publishing an Earth One volume every quarter, eventually every two months,
Hmm… given the general Zeitgeist of the DC You and Young Animal, perhaps DC is shifting to an “Elseworlds” model, where any good idea gets a chance to work. (While maintaining the “García-López” superhero universe for merchandising.)
That’s how you build a backlist: contained series, like Sandman, and the standalone volumes, like The Killing Joke or V for Vendetta.
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