Tom Spurgeon is relocating from New Mexico to Columbus, OH this week. I can only imagine how stressful that is—some tweets posts about a cancelled last minute comics sale show just one aspect of it. I think he said he had something like 75 boxes of comics…just having a lot of stuff makes moving traumatic, let alone moving in the middle of a winter which resembles the White Witch’s plans for Narnia. I know moving my least favorite thing in life. (I’ve only moved three times in my adult life. )
In Columbus Tom will be an even more important force in comics than his already formidable position as he spearheads the new Cartoon Crossroad Columbus event. Anyway, good luck to him!
(Photo via Facebook)
Good luck indeed, Tom! It’ll be nice to have you just this much closer to the east coast…
In Hell, you have lots of *amazing* stuff… but you can never enjoy it b/c you have to keep packing it up and moving your residence.
Only 75 boxes of comics? Pfft! Amateur!
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