I don’t often plug PW’s More To Come, the podcast for Publishers Weekly which I co-host along with Calvin Reid and Kate Fitzsimons. But on this week’s episode I have the pleasure of talking to Greg Pak about his recent efforts to connect with readers and work on Mech Cadet Yu and Weapon H. And lots of other stuff. Keeping this talk to just 45 minutes was difficult.
Pak is truly one of the smartest and nicest people in comics. And his comics aren’t bad either – his classic Planet Hulk storyline inspired Thor Ragnarok, and Amadeus Cho is a mainstay of the current Marvel Universe. Plus: Mech Cadet Yu, Kingsway West, his Jonathon Coulton collaborations and his work for DC: he’s busy. I was reading Mech Cadet Yu to prep for the interview, and it’s a delightful YA book, a playful riff on the “boy meets giant robot” genre, and Takeshi Miyazawa’s art is utterly marvelous, aided by Triona Farrell’s throwback color pallete.
I really wanted to talk to Pak – and was thrilled when he agreed on short notice – because he’s not afraid to do the things that an industry leader should do. He puts good ideas out there, helps publicize tools to accomplish those good ideas and, in general, acts as the kind of temperate, genial and grown-up professional that we should all aspire to be.
In case you don’t follow him on Twitter, he’s been sharing a lot of craft advice, and his call for easy pre-ordering in comics also made waves a few weeks ago. Diamond confirmed that they are looking in to this, and Pak compiled a list of places where you can do it.
AND a double plug! Pak will be appearing on Sunday at Beat columnist Brian Hibbs’ SF store, Comix Experience!
As mentioned up top, I dont’ always plug More to Come here, but I should. With Calvin, Kate and myself I think this is one of the very few comics podcasts that has an all-diverse line-up. My own blattings aside, it’s a wide-ranging platform of opinions, and I learn from Kate and Calvin every week and am proud to contribute.
Happy listening!
Here is the video of that conversation, for those who are interested! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hQqNR5p0jA
(That is, our Graphic Novel Club, not the PW interview)
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