Fast and Furious: Spy Racers is an animated series coming from DreamWorks and Netflix. Its original announcement came a few months ago, when we found out that the show would be produced by, none other than Fast and the Furious stars themselves, Vin Diesel, Neal Moritz and Chris Morgan. With this Annecy spot, DreamWorks gave details on the title as well as a short teaser video.
Fast and Furious: Spy Racers follows an adventurous teen named Tony Toretto. The show follows his work as a government agent, recruited to take down a criminal organization fronting as an elite racing league. Tony’s driving skills make him the perfect plant to stop them from taking over the world.
Melissa Cobb, Netflix’s VP of Kids and Family said “we are thrilled to take our fantastic partnership with DreamWorks Animation to the next level with new opportunities from the vast library of Universal Pictures. The Fast & Furious franchise is a global phenomenon beloved by audiences of all ages, and we can’t wait to get started on the new animated series that will capture the action, heart, humor and global appeal of the feature films.”
Voltron executive producer Tim Hedrick joins up with Bret Haaland (All Hail King Julien) to showrun. Fast and the Furious: Spy Racers is the first of several animated series to spin off from the original IP. Look for it on Netflix later this year. Till then, you can check out the promo and teaser below.