Doctor Who Mega Bundle, copyright Humble Bundle, Titan Comics, and BBC 2024
Doctor Who Mega Bundle. Photo: Humble Bundle, Titan Comics, and BBC 2024

Humble Bundle recently launched the “Doctor Who Mega Bundle,” offering 61 unique Doctor Who comics published in the last several years by Titan Comics, including the Doctor Who Archives collections featuring stories originally published by IDW and subsequently republished by Titan. All items are digital and available as PDF and CBZ files.

The Doctor Who comics bundle’s official description on the Humble Bundle website reads:

Whovians, this one’s for you! The Whoniverse comes alive on the page in this collection of comics, packed with dozens of volumes exploring the Doctor’s adventures and exploits across time and space! See the 8th and 11th Doctors team up to face down the Bad Wolf Empress in Doctor Who: Empire of the Wolf. In Doctor Who: Origins, a mission to hunt down a threat to Gallifrey puts the Doctor in the sites of the secretive Time Lords known as the Division. Get these awesome comics and a great many more, and help support BBC Children in Need with your purchase!

What is Humble Bundle?

Some of the comics that can be purchased through Humble Bundle, copyright Humble Bundle, Titan Comics, and BBC 2024
Some of the comics that can be purchased through Humble Bundle, copyright Humble Bundle, Titan Comics, and BBC 2024

Humble Bundle launched in 2010 and sells a variety of media, from video to games to books to software. It often works with other companies to bundle items together for cheaper pricing and raise money for charity with every purchase.

This specific collection is helping to support BBC Children in Need, a group that helps children across the UK.

What is in the Humble Comics Bundle: Doctor Who Mega Bundle?

More comics that can be purchased through Humble Bundle, copyright Humble Bundle, Titan Comics, and BBC 2024
More comics that can be purchased through Humble Bundle, copyright Humble Bundle, Titan Comics, and BBC 2024

For $25, the 61 items included in the Doctor Who Mega Bundle are:

Doctor Who: Free Comic Book Day 2024
Doctor Who: Origins
Doctor Who: Empire of the Wolf
Doctor Who: Missy
Doctor Who: Alternating Current
Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Archives Volumes 1, 2, and 3
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Archives Volumes 1, 2, and 3
Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time
Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious
Doctor Who: Ghost Stories
Doctor Who: Four Doctors
Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension Volumes 1 and 2
Doctor Who: The Many Lives of Doctor Who
Doctor Who: The Road to the Thirteenth Doctor
Doctor Who: Time of Out Mind
Doctor Who: A Tale of Two Time Lords
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor Volumes 1, 2, and 3
Doctor Who: The Third Doctor – Heralds of Destruction
Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor – Gaze of the Medusa
Doctor Who: The Seventh Doctor – Operation Volcano
Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor – A Matter of Life and Death
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 + Year 3 Vols. 1, 2, and 3
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 + Year 3 Vols. 1, 2, and 3
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 + Year 3 Vols. 1, 2, and 3

There are other plans available as well. For $10, you will receive 19 of the items [pre-selected], and for $1, you will get 4 items [pre-selected] if you’d like to dip your toes into the comics side of the Whoniverse and see what you think.

I bought this bundle before writing this article. I’ve long been a Humble Bundle buyer, so I’m familiar with how they operate. This is a wonderful opportunity to get an incredibly large catalog of comics for a great price and an even better cause.

If this interests you at all, please make sure to check it out! The opportunity to purchase these comics will end on May 30, 2024.

Check out The Beat’s coverage of the latest TV season’s first episode by D. Morris if you haven’t already! It’s shaping up to be a crazy ride!