MacArthur Genius Grant recipient, renaissance man and all time great cartoonist Ben Katchor is not busy enough being a certified G(enius). He also organized the New York Comics and Picture-Story Symposium every week in the school year at Parsons, where he teaches.
Every week someone from the world of comics or imagery scholarship presents a slideshow on their work. Past participants include everyone from Michael DeForge to Sue Coe. Kind of everyone.
It’s a priceless resource for the NYC comics community, offering insights and research available nowhere else. And as we’ve been saying here for years, the slideshow is a key offshoot of the comics world, a sort of “road show” for the printed page that is an art in itself.
And the 2018 schedule, as shown above, is absolutely stellar, with Eleanor Davis, Julia Gfrörer, Bill Plympton, Karen Katz, Joe “Jog” McCulloch on Ditko…honestly it’s just choice from start to finish.
The Symposium takes pace every Tuesday at 7 pm, mostly usually in the Bark Room but often in other spots. I advise getting there early for all of these because they will be SRO!
March 2018 calendar
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