DC Universe follows the tabletop trend with the announcement of DC Universe All Star Games. IGN made the exclusive announcement on Wednesday that the streaming service is greenlighting an “unscripted anthology gaming miniseries” in the vein of actual-play podcasts like Friends at the Table and Critical Role.
For those who aren’t fans of the above, these shows tell stories using tabletop roleplaying games like Dungeons and Dragons. In this case, DC Universe All Star Games will feature DC Heroes, a TTRPG set in the comic’s universe. For the show’s first season, the players will be thrown back to the 80’s (the same decade the game was published) for a Breakfast Club meets comics improv crossover.
DC Universe is bringing on Clare Grant, Vanessa Marshall and WWE’s Xavier Woods for its first tabletop romp, with ecexutive producers Freddie Prinze Jr., (Star Wars Rebels) and Sam Witwer (Star Wars: The Clone Wars). Prinze adds that DC Heroes was the first tabletop RPG he ever played and that, “I had a blast making this series and I hope all of you love it as much as I do.”
DC Universe All Star Games begins on February 28; the first in what will be a five-part first season with new episodes hitting the streamer every following Friday.
Is it weird that, for this, they are using an rpg that’s been out-of-print for almost 30 years? Then again, I don’t think DC Adventures is still being published either.
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