There was quite a bit of turmoil for The CW’s The Flash when COVID-19 hit earlier this year, interrupting production for the TV series’ season 6 finale. The season ended with numerous questions unanswered and characters crying for help, and it leaves the series in an interesting place for the upcoming season that’s scheduled for release in January 2021. DC Fandome hosted a panel with the cast and creators of The Flash to discuss what’s to come next year, and to reveal a teaser trailer for the season.

With Arrow taking the backseat in this extended universe, it’s upon The Flash to carry the mantle forward post Crisis on Infinite Earths. Producer Eric Wallace confirmed that the first episode of the seventh season will be about the three unfinished story arcs from season 6 that revolved around Eva McCulloch (Efrat Dor), Sue Dearbon (Natalie Dreyfuss) and Iris West-Allen (Candice Patton).

A teaser trailer into the first episode of The Flash season 7 revealed Ashley Rickard’s The Top returning (after appearing in season 3) alongside Dor’s Mirror Master. Wallace also showed what the black-and-white version of Episode 5, “Kiss Kiss Breach Breach,” would look like. This black-and-white version of the noir-infused episode will be included on The Flash season six Blu-ray and DVD on August 25.

A black-and-white episode for a DVD release
Top (Ashley Rickard) to return for The Flash season 7
Team Flash back at S.T.A.R. Labs

This season will also see more of Kayla Compton (Allegra Garcia) and Brandon McKnight (Chester Runk). The preview of season 7, episode 1 included a lot of plot advancements, mostly for Eva. Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) is trying to rebuild the Speed Force, preventing a super-sonic plane from crashing into Central City and plotting Iris’ extraction from the Mirrorverse before losing his powers. Producer Wallace said he wants to focus on Godspeed in season 7 to make new fans “feel welcomed to the show.”

An element left unaddressed in the panel, un-related to the plot, was Hartley Sawyer’s unexpected termination from the series after a series of past racist and misogynistic tweets surfaced earlier this year. Sawyer played Ralph Dibny/Elongated Man on the show, who grew extensively as a character in Season 6. Given Elongated Man’s centrality to the plot of the remaining cliffhangers from Season 6, a recast for the character seems likely, and easily carried out considering his transfiguration powers, but nothing has been announced yet.

The Flash Season 7 is set to debut on The CW in 2021.