by David Carter
Greetings, sales charts fans! It’s time once again to look at DC’s sales figures.
June 2017 is the one-year anniversary of DC Rebirth proper, so the one-year comparisons on a lot of titles and DC sales overall are going to look pretty bad. But in most cases, comparing to where things were right before Rebirth, things are better. Average sales for the Rebirthed DCU one year in are down slightly from where they were for the New 52 one year in (37.8K compared to 39.4K).
But of course individual comic issue sales are just one part of the story of the total sales picture. There are also digital sales, collection sales, and foreign sales. While we’ll never get digital sales numbers, and foreign sales numbers are very hard to come by, we can get a good peek at collection sales.
A lot of collection sales happen in the bookstore market, and the Bookscan numbers won’t be out until early 2018, but Diamond does release collection sales monthly as part of their Top 300 Graphic Novels chart. Over on my own blog, Yet Another Comics Blog, I’ve been tracking the cumulative sales for the Rebirth collections; you’ll find the latest figures here: DC Rebirth Collection Sales – June 2017.
The cumulative part is important, because as you’ll see if you click over to the chart is that several of the collections have seen as many or more sales in the months following their first month as they did during their first month of sales. The first volumes of Flash, Superman, Nightwing, Wonder Woman, and (almost) Batman fall into this category. And after a couple more months I expect we’ll see several other collections fall into that category as well.
The Top Ten selling Rebirth collections (through Diamond-NA), cumulative through June, are:
Batman vol. 1 (17.8K)
Flash vol. 1 (14.5K)
Wonder Woman vol. 1 (11.5K) *
Superman vol. 1 (11.1K)
Detective Comics vol. 1 (9.9K) *
Batman vol. 2 (9.1K) ***
Justice League vol. 1 (9.0K)
Nightwing vol. 1 (8.7K)
Green Arrow vol. 1 (8.2K)
Harley Quinn vol. 1 (7.9K) **
For most of those this represents six months worth of sales (The first Rebirth collections came out in January), with the number of asterisks after a title indicating the number of fewer months of sales a collection had if it debuted in a later month.
No surprises here; Batman leads the way in collections like it does in issues. Wonder Woman is doing particularly strong, with the first collection seeing a large increase in sales in May & June, no doubt due to the popularity of the movie.
Keep in mind that the Diamond numbers are only part of the picture; we’ll get a better picture of collection sales when the Bookscan numbers eventually arrive, and we’ll never see most of the sales through libraries or book fairs. So this is just a taste of additional sales through the collected editions.
Warning: The commentary below may contain reasoned analysis, speculation (unfounded and otherwise), opinion, and/or snark. Those looking for a more straightforward analysis are directed to John Jackson Miller’s excellent Comichron analysis, posted in June over at Comichron!
Please consider the fine print at the end of the column. Thanks to Milton Griepp and for the permission to use their figures. An overview of’s estimates can be found here.
(Note that the percentage comparisons are done with total orders including reorder activity, as opposed to initial orders as was the practice of this column under the previous administration.)
2 - DARK DAYS: THE FORGE ($4.99) 06/2017: The Forge #1 -- 130,651
DC kicks-off the first line-wide crossover of the Rebirth era with the first of two Dark Days one-shots. The event is being helmed by the former New 52 Batman team of Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo and is Batman-centric, and thus hopes are high. Sales on this kick-off are… good? It’s over-sized and over-priced, has a cardstock cover with shiny foil (yes, if there was any doubt about the 90s being back, those are hereby erased!) and has multiple variant covers. How on Earth were retailers supposed to know how to order this thing? A second printing was due out in July, so it appears that most retailers ordered a bit on the conservative side; but can you blame them?
4, 6 - BATMAN ($2.99/$3.99) 06/2007: Batman #666 -- 83,781 06/2012: Batman #10 -- 130,265 06/2013: Batman #21 -- 142,088 [156,845] 06/2014: Batman #32 -- 130,077 [132,695] 06/2015: Batman #41 -- 142,155 [145,305] -------------------------------- 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 219,788 (+124.3%) [229,267] 06/2016: Batman #1 -- 308,396 (+ 44.9%) [332,281] 07/2016: Batman #2 -- 194,816 (- 41.4%) 07/2016: Batman #3 -- 185,833 (- 4.6%) 08/2016: Batman #4 -- 168,284 (- 9.4%) 08/2016: Batman #5 -- 156,356 (- 7.1%) 09/2016: Batman #6 -- 138,853 (- 11.2%) 09/2016: Batman #7 -- 135,585 (- 2.4%) 10/2016: Batman #8 -- 129,837 (- 4.2%) 10/2016: Batman #9 -- 126,090 (- 2.9%) 11/2016: Batman #10 -- 120,901 (- 4.1%) 11/2016: Batman #11 -- 116,690 (- 3.5%) 12/2016: Batman #12 -- 111,391 (- 4.5%) 12/2016: Batman #13 -- 108,407 (- 2.7%) 01/2017: Batman #14 -- 106,816 (- 1.5%) 01/2017: Batman #15 -- 102,802 (- 3.8%) 02/2017: Batman #16 -- 102,096 (- 0.7%) 02/2017: Batman #17 -- 99,637 (- 2.4%) 03/2017: Batman #18 -- 98,100 (- 1.5%) 03/2017: Batman #19 -- 97,501 (- 0.6%) 04/2017: Batman #20 -- 97,544 (+ 0.0%) 04/2017: Batman #21 -- 219,472 (+134.1%) [228,310] 05/2017: Batman #22 -- 186,914 (- 18.1%) 05/2017: Batman #23 -- 96,542 (- 48.3%) 06/2017: Batman #24 -- 116,037 (+ 20.2%) 06/2017: Batman #25 -- 102,798 (- 11.4%) ----------------- 6 months: - 0.4% 1 year : - 61.0% 2 years : - 24.7% 5 years : - 16.0% 10 years: + 30.6%
Nothing like a marriage proposal to boost sales! There have been multiple printings of #24, and as the 2nd printing also came out in June I assume those numbers were already rolled in to its sales on the Diamond chart. Issue #25 was over-sized and -priced and kicked off “The War of Jokes and Riddles” flashback story, and also stays above the 100K line.
5 - DARK KNIGHT III: THE MASTER RACE ($5.99) 06/2016: Dark Knight III #5 of 8 -- 139,919 (- 2.2%) 07/2016: -- 08/2016: -- 09/2016: -- 10/2016: Dark Knight III #6 of 8 -- 133,642 (- 4.5%) 11/2016: -- 12/2016: Dark Knight III #7 of 9 -- 119,114 (- 10.9%) 01/2017: -- 02/2017: -- 03/2017: Dark Knight III #8 of 9 -- 107,892 (- 9.4%) 04/2017: -- 05/2017: -- 06/2017: Dark Knight III #9 of 9 -- 107,892 (- 4.2%) ----------------- 6 months: - 9.4% 1 year : - 22.9%
The final issue, finally. While it hasn’t been the runaway sales success that DC was perhaps hoping for, it still sold well, especially for a $6 comic (and likely would have sold better if not for the delays). It will also continue to sell well into the future in its collected editions, which is where many (most?) people will eventually end up reading it. (Including myself—I learned my lessons from the long delays in the first two Dark Knight series!)
14 - ALL STAR BATMAN ($4.99) 06/2007: -- ---------------------------------------- 08/2016: All Star Batman #1 -- 318,283 (+238.5%) 09/2016: All Star Batman #2 -- 151,523 (- 52.4%) 10/2016: All Star Batman #3 -- 117,596 (- 22.4%) 11/2016: All Star Batman #4 -- 99,064 (- 15.8%) 12/2016: All Star Batman #5 -- 87,422 (- 11.8%) 01/2017: All Star Batman #6 -- 84,296 (- 3.8%) 02/2017: All Star Batman #7 -- 77,096 (- 8.5%) 03/2017: All Star Batman #8 -- 71,809 (- 6.9%) 04/2017: All Star Batman #9 -- 67,632 (- 5.8%) 05/2017: All Star Batman #10 -- 66,018 (- 2.4%) 06/2017: All Star Batman #11 -- 62,689 (- 5.0%) ----------------- 6 months: - 28.3% 10 years: n.a.
Ending with issue #14, to be replaced by… something? It will involve Snyder & Batman, and maybe be in a different format? I’m unclear on the whole thing.
18, 19 - DETECTIVE COMICS ($2.99) 06/2007: Detective Comics #833 -- 54,104 06/2012: Detective Comics #10 -- 83,317 06/2013: Detective Comics #21 -- 65,200 06/2014: Detective Comics #32 -- 72,988 [73,597] 06/2015: Detective Comics #41 -- 57,648 [58,361] ----------------------------------------- 06/2016: Detective Comics #934 -- 106,239 (+176.0%) [121,314] 06/2016: Detective Comics #935 -- 103,417 (- 6.9%) [112,965] 07/2016: Detective Comics #936 -- 110,689 (- 2.0%) 07/2016: Detective Comics #937 -- 101,389 (- 8.4%) 08/2016: Detective Comics #938 -- 97,829 (- 3.5%) 08/2016: Detective Comics #939 -- 89,612 (- 8.4%) 09/2016: Detective Comics #940 -- 80,897 (- 9.7%) 09/2016: Detective Comics #941 -- 82,953 (+ 2.5%) 10/2016: Detective Comics #942 -- 81,432 (- 1.8%) 10/2016: Detective Comics #943 -- 74,340 (- 8.7%) 11/2016: Detective Comics #944 -- 71,923 (- 3.3%) 11/2016: Detective Comics #945 -- 69,942 (- 2.8%) 12/2016: Detective Comics #946 -- 66,374 (- 5.1%) 12/2016: Detective Comics #947 -- 65,090 (- 1.9%) 01/2017: Detective Comics #948 -- 64,090 (- 1.5%) 01/2017: Detective Comics #949 -- 61,543 (- 4.0%) 02/2017: Detective Comics #950 -- 62,628 (+ 1.8%) 02/2017: Detective Comics #951 -- 59,630 (- 4.8%) 03/2017: Detective Comics #952 -- 59,722 (+ 0.2%) 03/2017: Detective Comics #953 -- 59,160 (- 0.9%) 04/2017: Detective Comics #954 -- 58,187 (- 1.6%) 04/2017: Detective Comics #955 -- 57,666 (- 0.9%) 05/2017: Detective Comics #956 -- 57,178 (- 0.8%) 05/2017: Detective Comics #957 -- 56,344 (- 1.5%) 06/2017: Detective Comics #958 -- 56,226 (- 0.2%) 06/2017: Detective Comics #959 -- 55,449 (- 1.4%) ----------------- 6 months: - 15.1% 1 year : - 52.3% 2 years : - 4.3% 5 years : - 33.0% 10 years: + 3.2%
DC’s top seven sellers this month are all Batman comics (or very Batman-adjacent, like Dark Days). That could be seen as a problem, with DC unable to get any long-term sales traction with any of their other characters.
22, 21 - FLASH ($2.99/$3.99) 05/2007: Flash FMA #13 -- 76,860 [82,767] 06/2012: Flash #10 -- 55,681 06/2013: Flash #21 -- 38,848 06/2014: Flash #32 -- 47,188 [48,604] 06/2015: Flash #41 -- 41,256 [42,891] --------------------------------- 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 98,580 (+275.0%) [123,115] 06/2016: Flash #1 -- 110,431 (+ 2.7%) [126,429] 07/2016: Flash #2 -- 113,639 (- 10.1%) 07/2016: Flash #3 -- 107,067 (- 5.8%) 08/2016: Flash #4 -- 102,208 (- 4.5%) 08/2016: Flash #5 -- 91,830 (- 10.2%) 09/2016: Flash #6 -- 82,930 (- 9.7%) 09/2016: Flash #7 -- 78,057 (- 5.9%) 10/2016: Flash #8 -- 76,749 (- 1.7%) 10/2016: Flash #9 -- 74,311 (- 3.2%) 11/2016: Flash #10 -- 70,681 (- 4.9%) 11/2016: Flash #11 -- 68,304 (- 3.4%) 12/2016: Flash #12 -- 64,476 (- 5.6%) 12/2016: Flash #13 -- 62,800 (- 2.6%) 01/2017: Flash #14 -- 60,732 (- 3.3%) 01/2017: Flash #15 -- 58,402 (- 3.8%) 02/2017: Flash #16 -- 57,039 (- 2.3%) 02/2017: Flash #17 -- 55,234 (- 3.2%) 03/2017: Flash #18 -- 54,959 (- 0.5%) 03/2017: Flash #19 -- 53,918 (- 1.9%) 04/2017: Flash #20 -- 53,828 (- 0.2%) 04/2017: Flash #21 -- 174,803 (+251.3%) [189,108] 05/2017: Flash #22 -- 163,767 (- 13.4%) 05/2017: Flash #23 -- 54,640 (- 66.6%) 06/2017: Flash #24 -- 54,275 (- 0.7%) 06/2017: Flash #25 -- 54,632 (+ 0.7%) ----------------- 6 months: - 14.4% 1 year : - 56.4% 2 years : + 27.0% 5 years : - 2.2% 10 years: - 34.2%
Flash is the best-selling non-Batman comic of June. He also happens to have a hit television show (well, a hit by The CW standards…) and recently completed a crossover with… um, Batman.
Like many of the Rebirth launch books, Flash this month has an over-sized and -priced issue #25 which slightly outsells its twenty-fourth issue.
23, 24 - JUSTICE LEAGUE ($2.99) 06/2012: Justice League #10 -- 130,502 06/2013: Justice League #21 -- 94,054 06/2014: Justice League #31 -- 75,803 [76,749] 06/2015: Justice League #41 -- 97,584 [96,464] -------------------------------------- 06/2016: Justice League #51 -- 70,059 (- 30.0%) 06/2016: Justice League #52 -- 72,413 (+ 3.4%) 07/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 195,402 (+178.4%) [201,613] 07/2016: Justice League #1 -- 230,106 (+ 14.1%) 08/2016: Justice League #2 -- 140,142 (- 39.1%) 08/2016: Justice League #3 -- 121,812 (- 13.1%) 09/2016: Justice League #4 -- 104,003 (- 14.6%) 09/2016: Justice League #5 -- 98,276 (- 5.5%) 10/2016: Justice League #6 -- 89,073 (- 9.4%) 10/2016: Justice League #7 -- 85,789 (- 3.7%) 11/2016: Justice League #8 -- 80,696 (- 5.9%) 11/2016: Justice League #9 -- 77,905 (- 3.5%) 12/2016: Justice League #10 -- 73,652 (- 5.5%) 12/2016: Justice League #11 -- 71,527 (- 2.9%) 01/2017: Justice League #12 -- 72,598 (+ 1.5%) 01/2017: Justice League #13 -- 70,437 (- 3.0%) 02/2017: Justice League #14 -- 65,458 (- 7.1%) 02/2017: Justice League #15 -- 64,230 (- 1.9%) 03/2017: Justice League #16 -- 62,515 (- 2.7%) 03/2017: Justice League #17 -- 61,165 (- 2.2%) 04/2017: Justice League #18 -- 58,737 (- 4.0%) 04/2017: Justice League #19 -- 57,647 (- 1.9%) 05/2017: Justice League #20 -- 56,119 (- 2.7%) 05/2017: Justice League #21 -- 55,351 (- 1.4%) 06/2017: Justice League #22 -- 54,047 (- 2.4%) 06/2017: Justice League #23 -- 53,283 (- 1.4%) ----------------- 6 months: - 26.1% 1 year : - 24.7% 2 years : - 44.4% 5 years : - 42.9%
A couple of fill-in issues (though I don’t recall if they were solicited as such).
28, 27 - SUPERMAN ($2.99, $3.99) 06/2007: Superman #663 -- 53,384 06/2012: Superman #10 -- 59,081 06/2013: Superman #21 -- 44,285 06/2014: Superman #32 -- 89,140 [103,508] 06/2015: Superman #41 -- 53,393 [55,368] ---------------------------------- 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 130,277 (+115.7%) [138,031] 06/2016: Superman #1 -- 115,918 (- 4.3%) [132,050] 07/2016: Superman #2 -- 112,148 (- 15.1%) 07/2016: Superman #3 -- 107,367 (- 4.3%) 08/2016: Superman #4 -- 96,969 (- 9.7%) 08/2016: Superman #5 -- 89,473 (- 7.7%) 09/2016: Superman #6 -- 76,124 (- 14.9%) 09/2016: Superman #7 -- 72,867 (- 4.3%) 10/2016: Superman #8 -- 69,905 (- 4.1%) 10/2016: Superman #9 -- 67,321 (- 3.7%) 11/2016: Superman #10 -- 66,956 (- 0.5%) 11/2016: Superman #11 -- 63,686 (- 4.9%) 12/2016: Superman #12 -- 60,992 (- 4.2%) 12/2016: Superman #13 -- 59,393 (- 2.6%) 01/2017: Superman #14 -- 60,409 (+ 1.7%) 01/2017: Superman #15 -- 57,412 (- 5.0%) 02/2017: Superman #16 -- 56,105 (- 2.3%) 02/2017: Superman #17 -- 54,561 (- 2.8%) 03/2017: Superman #18 -- 57,879 (+ 6.1%) 03/2017: Superman #19 -- 56,439 (- 2.5%) 04/2017: Superman #20 -- 53,373 (- 5.4%) 04/2017: Superman #21 -- 51,373 (- 3.7%) 05/2017: Superman #22 -- 51,938 (+ 1.1%) 05/2017: Superman #23 -- 51,264 (- 1.3%) 06/2017: Superman #24 -- 50,762 (- 1.3%) 06/2017: Superman #25 -- 50,873 (+ 0.2%) ----------------- 6 months: - 15.6% 1 year : - 62.4% 2 years : - 8.2% 5 years : - 14.0% 10 years: - 4.8%
With an over-sized & -priced twenty-fifth issue, giving a tiny bump. There have been many times in the past fifteen years where Superman has sold in the 30K & 40K range, so these are decent enough numbers (especially considering the continuity whiplash that Superman has been on in the Rebirth era).
38, 37 - WONDER WOMAN ($2.99, $3.99) 06/2007: Wonder Woman #10 -- 54,472 06/2012: Wonder Woman #10 -- 47,229 06/2013: Wonder Woman #21 -- 35,999 06/2014: Wonder Woman #32 -- 48,235 [49,616] 06/2015: Wonder Woman #41 -- 45,284 [45,740] ------------------------------------- 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 103,904 (+316.6%) [123,624] 06/2016: Wonder Woman #1 -- 118,511 (+ 5.5%) [130,381] 07/2016: Wonder Woman #2 -- 114,135 (- 12.5%) 07/2016: Wonder Woman #3 -- 103,912 (- 9.0%) 08/2016: Wonder Woman #4 -- 93,862 (- 9.7%) 08/2016: Wonder Woman #5 -- 85,646 (- 8.8%) 09/2016: Wonder Woman #6 -- 74,856 (- 12.6%) 09/2016: Wonder Woman #7 -- 70,118 (- 6.3%) 10/2016: Wonder Woman #8 -- 66,405 (- 5.3%) 10/2016: Wonder Woman #9 -- 64,555 (- 2.8%) 11/2016: Wonder Woman #10 -- 60,185 (- 5.8%) 11/2016: Wonder Woman #11 -- 58,692 (- 3.5%) 12/2016: Wonder Woman #12 -- 55,639 (- 5.2%) 12/2016: Wonder Woman #13 -- 54,589 (- 1.9%) 01/2017: Wonder Woman #14 -- 52,784 (- 3.3%) 01/2017: Wonder Woman #15 -- 50,978 (- 3.4%) 02/2017: Wonder Woman #16 -- 49,921 (- 2.1%) 02/2017: Wonder Woman #17 -- 48,662 (- 2.5%) 03/2017: Wonder Woman #18 -- 47,484 (- 2.4%) 03/2017: Wonder Woman #19 -- 46,745 (- 1.6%) 04/2017: Wonder Woman #20 -- 45,266 (- 3.2%) 04/2017: Wonder Woman #21 -- 44,597 (- 1.5%) 05/2017: Wonder Woman #22 -- 44,114 (- 1.1%) 05/2017: Wonder Woman #23 -- 43,704 (- 0.9%) 06/2017: Wonder Woman #24 -- 43,371 (- 0.8%) 06/2017: Wonder Woman #25 -- 44,106 (+ 1.7%) ----------------- 6 months: - 20.6% 1 year : - 65.6% 2 years : - 4.4% 5 years : - 7.4% 10 years: - 19.7%
The blockbuster movie still hasn’t had any noticeable affect on single issue sales, though there was a spike in interest in the first two Rebirth trades through Amazon and the bookstore market.
42, 43 - ACTION COMICS ($2.99) 06/2007: -- 06/2012: Action Comics #10 -- 80,751 06/2013: Action Comics #21 -- 46,475 06/2014: Action Comics #32 -- 55,400 [55,415] 06/2015: Action Comics #41 -- 44,083 [44,456] ------------------------------------- 06/2016: Action Comics #957 -- 82,884 (+136.1%) [95,893] 06/2016: Action Comics #958 -- 83,227 (- 4.6%) [91,462] 07/2016: Action Comics #959 -- 91,671 (+ 0.2%) 07/2016: Action Comics #960 -- 83,281 (- 9.2%) 08/2016: Action Comics #961 -- 79,003 (- 5.1%) 08/2016: Action Comics #962 -- 70,761 (- 10.4%) 09/2016: Action Comics #963 -- 60,824 (- 14.0%) 09/2016: Action Comics #964 -- 58,439 (- 3.9%) 10/2016: Action Comics #965 -- 55,678 (- 4.7%) 10/2016: Action Comics #966 -- 53,467 (- 4.0%) 11/2016: Action Comics #967 -- 50,611 (- 5.3%) 11/2016: Action Comics #968 -- 48,931 (- 3.3%) 12/2016: Action Comics #969 -- 46,573 (- 4.8%) 12/2016: Action Comics #970 -- 45,856 (- 1.5%) 01/2017: Action Comics #971 -- 44,894 (- 2.1%) 01/2017: Action Comics #972 -- 43,110 (- 4.0%) 02/2017: Action Comics #973 -- 43,047 (- 0.1%) 02/2017: Action Comics #974 -- 41,712 (- 3.1%) 03/2017: Action Comics #975 -- 47,382 (+ 13.6%) 03/2017: Action Comics #976 -- 46,846 (- 1.1%) 04/2017: Action Comics #977 -- 43,865 (- 6.4%) 04/2017: Action Comics #978 -- 43,555 (- 0.7%) 05/2017: Action Comics #979 -- 43,336 (- 0.5%) 05/2017: Action Comics #980 -- 42,811 (- 1.2%) 06/2017: Action Comics #981 -- 42,520 (- 0.7%) 06/2017: Action Comics #982 -- 41,799 (- 1.7%) ----------------- 6 months: - 8.8% 1 year : - 55.0% 2 years : - 5.2% 5 years : - 47.8% 10 years: n.a.
Five straight issues of lenticular covers are on their way, starting in September, to save Action from the onslaught of standard attrition.
45, 47 - HARLEY QUINN ($2.99) 06/2014: Harley Quinn #7 -- 93,266 [100,119] 06/2015: Harley Quinn #17 -- 68,243 [69,406] ------------------------------------ 06/2016: Harley Quinn #29 -- 55,774 (+ 27.2%) 07/2016: Harley Quinn #30 -- 45,443 (- 18.5%) 08/2016: Harley Quinn #1 -- 395,953 (+784.9%) [402,106] 08/2016: Harley Quinn #2 -- 128,316 (- 68.1%) 09/2016: Harley Quinn #3 -- 89,799 (- 30.0%) 09/2016: Harley Quinn #4 -- 81,046 (- 9.7%) 10/2016: Harley Quinn #5 -- 69,237 (- 14.6%) 10/2016: Harley Quinn #6 -- 64,710 (- 6.5%) 11/2016: Harley Quinn #7 -- 56,878 (- 12.1%) 11/2016: Harley Quinn #8 -- 54,111 (- 4.9%) 12/2016: Harley Quinn #9 -- 49,871 (- 4.9%) 12/2016: Harley Quinn #10 -- 48,380 (- 4.9%) 01/2017: Harley Quinn #11 -- 47,308 (- 2.2%) 01/2017: Harley Quinn #12 -- 45,599 (- 3.6%) 02/2017: Harley Quinn #13 -- 45,400 (- 0.4%) 02/2017: Harley Quinn #14 -- 43,798 (- 3.5%) 03/2017: Harley Quinn #15 -- 43,264 (- 1.2%) 03/2017: Harley Quinn #16 -- 42,797 (- 1.1%) 04/2017: Harley Quinn #17 -- 43,263 (+ 1.2%) 04/2017: Harley Quinn #18 -- 41,645 (- 3.7%) 05/2017: Harley Quinn #19 -- 41,552 (- 0.2%) 05/2017: Harley Quinn #20 -- 40,596 (- 2.3%) 06/2017: Harley Quinn #21 -- 40,272 (- 0.8%) 06/2017: Harley Quinn #22 -- 39,389 (- 2.2%) ----------------- 6 months: - 26.0% 1 year : - 6.3% 2 years : n.a.
Dips below 40K for the first time. DC have much larger problems to deal with further on down the chart, but this should be starting to get a wee bit disconcerting for them…
46 - TITANS ($3.99) 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 79,295 (+477.8%) [100,610] 07/2016: Titans #1 -- 112,676 (+ 12.0%) 08/2016: Titans #2 -- 80,079 (- 28.9%) 09/2016: Titans #3 -- 70,673 (- 11.7%) 10/2016: Titans #4 -- 58,342 (- 17.4%) 11/2016: Titans #5 -- 52,511 (- 10.0%) 12/2016: Titans #6 -- 48,612 (- 7.4%) 01/2017: Titans #7 -- 46,998 (- 3.3%) 02/2017: Titans #8 -- 44,028 (- 6.3%) 03/2017: Titans #9 -- 42,557 (- 3.3%) 04/2017: Titans #10 -- 40,893 (- 3.9%) 05/2017: Titans #11 -- 45,889 (+ 12.2%) 06/2017: Titans #12 -- 40,204 (- 12.4%) ----------------- 6 months: - 17.3% 1 year : - 60.0%
Post-crossover dip.
49, 52 - JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA ($2.99) 06/2007: JL of America #10 -- 129,265 06/2013: JL of America #5 -- 71,793 06/2015: JL of America #1 -- 150,845 [148,624] -------------------------------------- 06/2016: -- 07/2016: -- 08/2016: JL of America #9 -- 44,700 (- 1.8%) 09/2016: -- 10/2016: -- 11/2016: JL of America #10 -- 39,766 (- 11.0%) 12/2016: -- 01/2017: Atom Rebirth #1 -- 29,639 (- 25.5%) 01/2017: Vixen Rebirth #1 -- 29,435 (- 0.7%) 01/2017: The Ray Rebirth #1 -- 27,749 (- 5.7%) 01/2017: K Frost Rebirth #1 -- 29,932 (+ 7.9%) 02/2017: JLA Rebirth #1 -- 80,737 (+ 59.0%) 02/2017: JL of America #1 -- 102,843 (+ 27.4%) 03/2017: JL of America #2 -- 58,684 (- 42.9%) 03/2017: JL of America #3 -- 53,354 (- 9.1%) 04/2017: JL of America #4 -- 47,696 (- 10.6%) 04/2017: JL of America #5 -- 45,697 (- 4.2%) 05/2017: JL of America #6 -- 42,182 (- 7.7%) 05/2017: JL of America #7 -- 40,970 (- 2.9%) 06/2017: JL of America #8 -- 38,567 (- 5.3%) 06/2017: JL of America #9 -- 37,567 (- 3.2%) ----------------- 6 months: n.a. 1 year : n.a. 2 years : - 74.3% 10 years: - 70.5%
Batman! Black Canary! Vixen! The Ray! The Atom! Killer Frost!? Lobo???!??!!! Gee, with an intergalactic homicidal alien bounty hunter on the team it’s hard to understand why readers are rejecting this as a Justice League comic…
51, 53 - SUICIDE SQUAD ($2.99) 06/2012: Suicide Squad #10 -- 29,809 06/2013: Suicide Squad #21 -- 22,907 06/2014: -- 06/2015: New Suicide Squad #9 -- 42,225 [43,224] ----------------------------------------- 06/2016: New Suicide Squad #21 -- 23,887 (+ 2.0%) 07/2016: New Suicide Squad #22 -- 25,162 (+ 5.3%) 08/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 195,587 (+677.3%) 08/2016: Suicide Squad #1 -- 239,439 (+ 22.4%) 09/2016: Suicide Squad #2 -- 98,533 (- 58.8%) 09/2016: Suicide Squad #3 -- 90,885 (- 7.8%) 10/2016: Suicide Squad #4 -- 76,324 (- 16.0%) 10/2016: Suicide Squad #5 -- 69,819 (- 8.5%) 11/2016: Suicide Squad #6 -- 61,973 (- 11.2%) 11/2016: Suicide Squad #7 -- 59,452 (- 4.1%) 12/2016: Suicide Squad #8 -- 59,967 (+ 0.9%) 01/2017: Suicide Squad #9 -- 54,010 (- 9.9%) 01/2017: Suicide Squad #10 -- 53,649 (- 0.7%) 02/2017: Suicide Squad #11 -- 48,723 (- 9.2%) 02/2017: Suicide Squad #12 -- 46,860 (- 3.8%) 03/2017: Suicide Squad #13 -- 45,064 (- 3.8%) 03/2017: Suicide Squad #14 -- 43,388 (- 3.7%) 04/2017: Suicide Squad #15 -- 40,940 (- 5.6%) 04/2017: Suicide Squad #16 -- 41,929 (+ 2.4%) 05/2017: Suicide Squad #17 -- 38,719 (- 7.7%) 05/2017: Suicide Squad #18 -- 38,401 (- 0.8%) 06/2017: Suicide Squad #19 -- 37,642 (- 2.0%) 06/2017: Suicide Squad #20 -- 37,532 (- 0.3%) ----------------- 6 months: - 37.3% 1 year : + 57.4% 2 years : - 13.0% 5 years : + 26.1%
Looks like it’s going to take more than just a new artist to arrest the inevitability of standard attrition.
54 - SUPER SONS ($3.99) 02/2017: Super Sons #1 -- 99,380 03/2017: Super Sons #2 -- 51,723 (- 48.0%) 04/2017: Super Sons #3 -- 44,561 (- 13.8%) 05/2017: Super Sons #4 -- 39,412 (- 11.6%) 06/2017: Super Sons #5 -- 37,022 (- 6.1%)
Following a predictable pattern.
55, 57 - NIGHTWING ($2.99) 06/2007: Nightwing #133 -- 30,623 06/2012: Nightwing #10 -- 50,585 06/2013: Nightwing #21 -- 43,353 06/2014: -- 06/2015: Grayson #9 -- 39,610 [40,478] ---------------------------------- 06/2016: -- 07/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 140,631 (+491.8%) 07/2016: Nightwing #1 -- 126,266 (- 10.2%) 08/2016: Nightwing #2 -- 102,444 (- 18.9%) 08/2016: Nightwing #3 -- 89,711 (- 12.4%) 09/2016: Nightwing #4 -- 70,652 (- 21.2%) 09/2016: Nightwing #5 -- 76,932 (+ 8.9%) 10/2016: Nightwing #6 -- 69,246 (- 10.0%) 10/2016: Nightwing #7 -- 58,402 (- 15.7%) 11/2016: Nightwing #8 -- 56,091 (- 4.0%) 11/2016: Nightwing #9 -- 52,984 (- 5.5%) 12/2016: Nightwing #10 -- 49,436 (- 6.7%) 12/2016: Nightwing #11 -- 47,781 (- 3.3%) 01/2017: Nightwing #12 -- 46,057 (- 3.6%) 01/2017: Nightwing #13 -- 44,462 (- 3.5%) 02/2017: Nightwing #14 -- 42,656 (- 4.1%) 02/2017: Nightwing #15 -- 41,423 (- 2.9%) 03/2017: Nightwing #16 -- 40,289 (- 2.7%) 03/2017: Nightwing #17 -- 39,467 (- 2.0%) 04/2017: Nightwing #18 -- 38,858 (- 1.5%) 04/2017: Nightwing #19 -- 38,230 (- 1.6%) 05/2017: Nightwing #20 -- 37,646 (- 1.5%) 05/2017: Nightwing #21 -- 37,309 (- 0.9%) 06/2017: Nightwing #22 -- 36,343 (- 2.6%) 06/2017: Nightwing #23 -- 36,055 (- 0.8%) ----------------- 6 months: - 25.5% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : - 10.6% 5 years : - 28.4% 10 years: + 18.2%
There are a couple of issues coming up that will crossover with “Metal,” but after that it’s time to consider moving NIghtwing to monthly.
56 - TEEN TITANS ($3.99) 06/2007: Teen Titans #48 -- 60,786 06/2012: Teen Titans #10 -- 47,491 06/2013: Teen Titans #21 -- 34,710 06/2014: -- 06/2015: Teen Titans #9 -- 33,412 [33,804] ---------------------------------- 06/2016: Teen Titans #21 -- 18,766 (+ 0.9%) 07/2016: Teen Titans #22 -- 19,005 (+ 1.3%) 08/2016: Teen Titans #23 -- 19,118 (+ 0.6%) 09/2016: Teen Titans #24 -- 19,540 (+ 2.2%) 09/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 93,411 (+378.0%) 10/2016: Teen Titans #1 -- 71,459 (- 23.5%) 11/2016: Teen Titans #2 -- 52,877 (- 26.0%) 12/2016: Teen Titans #3 -- 44,116 (- 16.6%) 01/2017: Teen Titans #4 -- 41,304 (- 6.4%) 02/2017: Teen Titans #5 -- 39,028 (- 5.5%) 03/2017: Teen Titans #6 -- 37,572 (- 3.7%) 04/2017: Teen Titans #7 -- 36,056 (- 4.0%) 05/2017: Teen Titans #8 -- 43,385 (+ 20.3%) 06/2017: Teen Titans #9 -- 36,058 (- 16.9%) ----------------- 6 months: - 18.3% 1 year : + 92.1% 2 years : + 6.7% 5 years : - 24.1% 10 years: - 40.7%
Post crossover blues.
66, 69 - HAL JORDAN & THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS ($2.99) 06/2007: Green Lantern Corps #13 -- 32,792 06/2012: Green Lantern Corps #10 -- 44,615 06/2013: Green Lantern Corps #21 -- 45,423 06/2014: Green Lantern Corps #32 -- 40,734 [41,365] 06/2015: -- -------------------------------------------- 06/2016: Edge of Oblivion #6 of 6 -- 18,459 (- 1.3%) 07/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 125,362 (+579.1%) 07/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #1 -- 119,579 (- 4.6%) 08/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #2 -- 85,769 (- 28.3%) 08/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #3 -- 71,211 (- 17.0%) 09/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #4 -- 60,297 (- 15.3%) 09/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #5 -- 56,029 (- 7.1%) 10/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #6 -- 49,988 (- 10.8%) 10/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #7 -- 48,064 (- 3.8%) 11/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #8 -- 45,194 (- 6.0%) 11/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #9 -- 43,486 (- 3.8%) 12/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #10 -- 41,234 (- 5.2%) 12/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #11 -- 40,111 (- 2.7%) 01/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #12 -- 39,148 (- 2.4%) 01/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #13 -- 38,053 (- 2.8%) 02/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #14 -- 37,504 (- 1.4%) 02/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #15 -- 36,331 (- 3.1%) 03/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #16 -- 35,996 (- 0.9%) 03/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #17 -- 35,205 (- 2.2%) 04/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #18 -- 34,507 (- 2.0%) 04/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #19 -- 34,140 (- 1.1%) 05/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #20 -- 33,721 (- 1.2%) 05/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #21 -- 33,259 (- 1.4%) 06/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #22 -- 33,116 (- 0.4%) 06/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #23 -- 32,517 (- 1.8%) ---------------- 6 months: - 19.3% 1 year : + 77.3% 2 years : n.a. 5 years : - 26.4% 10 years: + 0.1%
In the absence of Geoff Johns (which has been for quite a while now…) the market just cannot sustain four issues of Green Lantern-related titles each month. It was true before Rebirth, and it’s true now. They need to either make the two GL titles monthly, or just have one twice-monthly GL title.
68 - TRINITY ($3.99) 09/2016: Trinity #1 -- 103,177 (+217.3%) 10/2016: Trinity #2 -- 71,617 (- 30.6%) 11/2016: Trinity #3 -- 58,253 (- 18.7%) 12/2016: Trinity #4 -- 50,270 (- 13.7%) 01/2017: Trinity #5 -- 46,204 (- 8.1%) 02/2017: Trinity #6 -- 42,001 (- 9.1%) 03/2017: Trinity #7 -- 39,380 (- 6.2%) 04/2017: Trinity #8 -- 36,803 (- 6.5%) 05/2017: Trinity #9 -- 34,317 (- 6.8%) 06/2017: Trinity #10 -- 32,654 (- 4.8%) ----------------- 6 months: - 35.0%
In a couple of months this is going to drop below 30K, which is not good for a comic that stars DC’s three biggest characters.
70, 107, 116, 121, 127, 131 - LOONEY TUNES CROSSOVER SPECIALS ($4.99) 06/2017: Batman/Elmer Fudd #1 -- 31,971 06/2017: W Woman/Taz Devil #1 -- 24,392 06/2017: Lobo/Road Runner #1 -- 22,593 06/2017: M Manh/Marvin Mart #1 -- 22,211 06/2017: Legion/Bugs Bunny #1 -- 21,479 06/2017: J Hex/Yosemite Sam #1 -- 20,044
Following up on their Hanna Barbera crossovers from March, DC this month fill out their schedule with a slate of one-shots featuring crossovers with various Looney Tunes characters. Given that the regular bi-monthly Looney Tunes comic never even makes the Top 300 chart, these are fine numbers for this sort of thing. Obviously the Batman/Elmer Fudd one-shot was going to sell the best—because Batman—but apparently it was also quite well received and is going into a second printing. The other one-shots fell into a fairly narrow range in the low- to mid-20Ks, Which is pretty much where this sort of thing gets ordered when retailers are kind of shooting in the dark.
71 - BATMAN/THE SHADOW ($3.99) 04/2017: Batman/Shadow #1 of 6 -- 55,920 05/2017: Batman/Shadow #2 of 6 -- 34,956 (- 37.5%) 06/2017: Batman/Shadow #3 of 6 -- 31,717 (- 9.3%)
A typical third issue drop.
72, 76 - GREEN LANTERNS ($2.99) 06/2007: -- 06/2012: Green Lantern #10 -- 80,615 06/2013: Green Lantern #21 -- 71,870 06/2014: Green Lantern #32 -- 56,315 [56,510] 06/2015: Green Lantern #41 -- 45,704 [46,109] -------------------------------------- 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 109,454 (+232.2%) 06/2016: Green Lanterns #1 -- 93,401 (- 1.5%) [107,767] 07/2016: Green Lanterns #2 -- 90,268 (- 16.2%) 07/2016: Green Lanterns #3 -- 86,579 (- 4.1%) 08/2016: Green Lanterns #4 -- 78,254 (- 9.6%) 08/2016: Green Lanterns #5 -- 70,677 (- 9.7%) 09/2016: Green Lanterns #6 -- 58,346 (- 17.4%) 09/2016: Green Lanterns #7 -- 55,367 (- 5.1%) 10/2016: Green Lanterns #8 -- 52,025 (- 6.0%) 10/2016: Green Lanterns #9 -- 49,434 (- 5.0%) 11/2016: Green Lanterns #10 -- 46,306 (- 6.3%) 11/2016: Green Lanterns #11 -- 44,703 (- 3.5%) 12/2016: Green Lanterns #12 -- 42,241 (- 5.5%) 12/2016: Green Lanterns #13 -- 41,090 (- 2.7%) 01/2017: Green Lanterns #14 -- 39,854 (- 3.0%) 01/2017: Green Lanterns #15 -- 38,571 (- 3.2%) 02/2017: Green Lanterns #16 -- 37,845 (- 1.9%) 02/2017: Green Lanterns #17 -- 36,636 (- 3.2%) 03/2017: Green Lanterns #18 -- 35,824 (- 2.2%) 03/2017: Green Lanterns #19 -- 35,368 (- 1.3%) 04/2017: Green Lanterns #20 -- 34,224 (- 3.2%) 04/2017: Green Lanterns #21 -- 33,556 (- 2.0%) 05/2017: Green Lanterns #22 -- 32,686 (- 2.6%) 05/2017: Green Lanterns #23 -- 32,251 (- 1.3%) 06/2017: Green Lanterns #24 -- 31,683 (- 1.8%) 07/2017: Green Lanterns #25 -- 31,413 (- 0.9%) ----------------- 6 months: - 24.3% 1 year : - 71.0% 2 years : - 31.6% 5 years : - 60.9% 10 years: n.a.
For the past several months HJ&GLC and GLs have been next to each other in this column, but this month the space between them is becoming more apparent. Presumably hardcore GL fans are buying both titles, but are there a large number who are just following one or the other?
93, 84 - AQUAMAN ($2.99, $3.99) 06/2007: Aquaman SoA #53 -- 15,913 06/2012: Aquaman #10 -- 59,288 06/2013: Aquaman #21 -- 46,832 06/2014: Aquaman #32 -- 44,853 [46,345] 06/2015: Aquaman #41 -- 33,629 [34,131] ---------------------------------- 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 75,206 (+308.3%) [90,841] 06/2016: Aquaman #1 -- 84,745 (+ 2.8%) [93,339] 07/2016: Aquaman #2 -- 77,550 (- 16.9%) 07/2016: Aquaman #3 -- 75,196 (- 3.0%) 08/2016: Aquaman #4 -- 67,641 (- 10.0%) 08/2016: Aquaman #5 -- 60,422 (- 10.7%) 09/2016: Aquaman #6 -- 49,903 (- 17.4%) 09/2016: Aquaman #7 -- 47,005 (- 5.8%) 10/2016: Aquaman #8 -- 44,551 (- 5.2%) 10/2016: Aquaman #9 -- 42,695 (- 4.2%) 11/2016: Aquaman #10 -- 39,816 (- 6.7%) 11/2016: Aquaman #11 -- 38,109 (- 4.3%) 12/2016: Aquaman #12 -- 35,571 (- 6.7%) 12/2016: Aquaman #13 -- 34,619 (- 2.7%) 01/2017: Aquaman #14 -- 33,377 (- 3.6%) 01/2017: Aquaman #15 -- 32,424 (- 2.9%) 02/2017: Aquaman #16 -- 31,408 (- 3.1%) 02/2017: Aquaman #17 -- 30,584 (- 2.6%) 03/2017: Aquaman #18 -- 30,044 (- 1.8%) 03/2017: Aquaman #19 -- 29,279 (- 2.5%) 04/2017: Aquaman #20 -- 28,452 (- 2.8%) 04/2017: Aquaman #21 -- 27,837 (- 2.2%) 05/2017: Aquaman #22 -- 27,215 (- 2.2%) 05/2017: Aquaman #23 -- 26,841 (- 1.4%) 06/2017: Aquaman #24 -- 26,455 (- 1.4%) 06/2017: Aquaman #25 -- 27,793 (+ 5.1%) ----------------- 6 months: - 22.7% 1 year : - 70.5% 2 years : - 20.5% 5 years : - 54.3% 10 years: + 70.5%
Issue #25 of Aquaman saw a bit larger bump than the other #25 issues this month, perhaps due to the debut of new artist Stjepan Sejic? Aquaman goes monthly next month.
85, 87 - GREEN ARROW ($2.99, $3.99) 06/2007: Green Arrow #75 -- 35,022 06/2012: Green Arrow #10 -- 25,769 06/2013: Green Arrow #21 -- 26,924 06/2014: Green Arrow #32 -- 23,602 06/2015: Green Arrow #41 -- 29,545 [30,098] ---------------------------------- 06/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 89,936 (+373.0%) [97,243] 06/2016: Green Arrow #1 -- 76,816 (- 4.4%) [92,931] 07/2016: Green Arrow #2 -- 80,134 (- 13.8%) 07/2016: Green Arrow #3 -- 80,150 (+ 0.0%) 08/2016: Green Arrow #4 -- 74,335 (- 7.3%) 08/2016: Green Arrow #5 -- 69,530 (- 6.5%) 09/2016: Green Arrow #6 -- 55,330 (- 20.4%) 09/2016: Green Arrow #7 -- 52,794 (- 4.6%) 10/2016: Green Arrow #8 -- 49,904 (- 7.4%) 10/2016: Green Arrow #9 -- 46,606 (- 4.7%) 11/2016: Green Arrow #10 -- 43,355 (- 7.0%) 11/2016: Green Arrow #11 -- 41,576 (- 4.1%) 12/2016: Green Arrow #12 -- 38,515 (- 7.4%) 12/2016: Green Arrow #13 -- 37,365 (- 3.0%) 01/2017: Green Arrow #14 -- 35,733 (- 4.4%) 01/2017: Green Arrow #15 -- 34,590 (- 3.2%) 02/2017: Green Arrow #16 -- 33,371 (- 3.5%) 02/2017: Green Arrow #17 -- 32,392 (- 2.9%) 03/2017: Green Arrow #18 -- 31,838 (- 1.7%) 03/2017: Green Arrow #19 -- 30,984 (- 2.7%) 04/2017: Green Arrow #20 -- 30,216 (- 2.5%) 04/2017: Green Arrow #21 -- 29,993 (- 0.7%) 05/2017: Green Arrow #22 -- 28,931 (- 3.5%) 05/2017: Green Arrow #23 -- 28,291 (- 2.2%) 06/2017: Green Arrow #24 -- 27,737 (- 2.0%) 06/2017: Green Arrow #25 -- 27,388 (- 1.3%) ----------------- 6 months: - 27.4% 1 year : - 71.0% 2 years : - 8.4% 5 years : + 7.0% 10 years: - 21.3%
Unlike other 25th issues, Green Arrow’s seems to have no effect on sales. I’m a bit surprised that GA continues to be a twice-monthly comic.
90 - BATWOMAN ($3.99) 06/2012: Batwoman #10 -- 41,014 06/2013: Batwoman #21 -- 28,173 06/2014: Batwoman #32 -- 33.538 [34,314] -------------------------------- 02/2017: Rebirth #1 -- 57,915 (+318.9%) 03/2017: Batwoman #1 -- 60,334 (+ 4.2%) 04/2017: Batwoman #2 -- 36,563 (- 39.4%) 05/2017: Batwoman #3 -- 29,664 (- 18.9%) 06/2017: Batwoman #4 -- 26,782 (- 9.7%) ----------------- 5 years : - 34.7%
Back in 2012, Batwoman’s sales figure was a palindrome!
101 - RED HOOD & THE OUTLAWS ($3.99) 06/2012: Red Hood & Outlaws #10 -- 37,044 06/2013: Red Hood & Outlaws #21 -- 32,416 06/2014: Red Hood & Outlaws #32 -- 33,081 06/2015: Red Hood/Arsenal #1 -- 44,078 [40,597] ----------------------------------------- 06/2016: Red Hood/Arsenal #13 -- 16,389 (- 0.1%) 07/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 97,722 (+496.3%) 08/2016: Red Hood & Outlaws #1 -- 92,234 (- 5.6%) 09/2016: Red Hood & Outlaws #2 -- 54,937 (- 40.4%) 10/2016: Red Hood & Outlaws #3 -- 41,971 (- 23.6%) 11/2016: Red Hood & Outlaws #4 -- 36,740 (- 12.5%) 12/2016: Red Hood & Outlaws #5 -- 32,860 (- 10.6%) 01/2017: Red Hood & Outlaws #6 -- 31,321 (- 4.7%) 02/2017: Red Hood & Outlaws #7 -- 28,753 (- 8.2%) 03/2017: Red Hood & Outlaws #8 -- 27,894 (- 3.0%) 04/2017: Red Hood & Outlaws #9 -- 26,410 (- 5.3%) 05/2017: Red Hood & Outlaws #10 -- 25,977 (- 1.6%) 05/2017: Red Hood & Outlaws #11 -- 25,185 (- 3.0%) ----------------- 6 months: - 23.4% 1 year : + 53.7% 2 years : - 38.0% 5 years : - 32.0%
102 - BANE: CONQUEST ($3.99) 05/2017: Bane Conq #1 of 12 -- 41,709 06/2017: Bane Conq #2 of 12 -- 25,142 {- 39.7%)
That’s a bit on the high side for a second issue drop.
104 - DEATHSTROKE ($3.99) 06/2012: Deathstroke #10 -- 19,722 06/2015: Deathstroke #7 -- 38,807 [39,993] ----------------------------------- 06/2016: Deathstroke #19 -- 21,094 (+ 0.0%) 07/2016: Deathstroke #20 -- 20,562 (- 2.5%) 08/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 109,250 (+431.3%) 08/2016: Deathstroke #1 -- 91,962 (- 15.8%) 09/2016: Deathstroke #2 -- 60,877 (- 33.8%) 09/2016: Deathstroke #3 -- 54,908 (- 9.8%) 10/2016: Deathstroke #4 -- 46,773 (- 14.8%) 10/2016: Deathstroke #5 -- 43,058 (- 7.9%) 11/2016: Deathstroke #6 -- 37,177 (- 13.7%) 11/2016: Deathstroke #7 -- 35,782 (- 3.8%) 12/2016: Deathstroke #8 -- 32,530 (- 9.1%) 12/2016: Deathstroke #9 -- 31,519 (- 3.1%) 01/2017: Deathstroke #10 -- 29,864 (- 5.3%) 01/2017: Deathstroke #11 -- 28,625 (- 4.1%) 02/2017: Deathstroke #12 -- 27,226 (- 4.9%) 02/2017: Deathstroke #13 -- 26,328 (- 3.3%) 03/2017: Deathstroke #14 -- 25,493 (- 3.2%) 03/2017: Deathstroke #15 -- 24,746 (- 2.9%) 04/2017: Deathstroke #16 -- 23,712 (- 4.2%) 04/2017: Deathstroke #17 -- 23,449 (- 1.1%) 05/2017: Deathstroke #18 -- 22,742 (- 3.0%) 05/2017: Deathstroke #19 -- 34,772 (+ 52.9%) 06/2017: Deathstroke #20 -- 24,743 (- 28.8%) ----------------- 6 months: - 22.7% 1 year : + 17.3% 2 years : - 38.1% 5 years : + 25.5%
Now a monthly, and coming in at 2K higher than its last pre-crossover issue.
108 - THE WILD STORM ($3.99) 02/2017: The Wild Storm #1 -- 54,442 03/2017: The Wild Storm #2 -- 37,818 (- 30.5%) 04/2017: The Wild Storm #3 -- 30,595 (- 19.1%) 05/2017: The Wild Storm #4 -- 25,571 (- 16.4%) 06/2017: The Wild Storm #5 -- 24,206 (- 5.3%)
A second WildStorm title has finally been announced for starting in October.
The Wonder Woman: Steve Trevor one-shot comes in at position 109 with 24,015 in sales, well below the parent title, and even below the Tasmanian Devil team-up. Sorry, Steve!
112 - BATMAN BEYOND ($3.99) 06/2012: Unlimited #5 -- 24,058 06/2013: Unlimited #17 -- 15,464 06/2014: Universe #11 -- 14,068 06/2015: Batman Beyond #1 -- 59,151 [53,362] ------------------------------------ 06/2016: Batman Beyond #13 -- 13,025 (- 28.2%) 07/2016: Batman Beyond #14 -- 18,001 (+ 38.2%) 08/2016: Batman Beyond #15 -- 17,882 (- 0.7%) 09/2016: Batman Beyond #16 -- 17,799 (- 0.5%) 09/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 74,722 (+319.8%) 10/2016: Batman Beyond #1 -- 66,591 (- 10.0%) 11/2016: Batman Beyond #2 -- 41,313 (- 38.0%) 12/2016: Batman Beyond #3 -- 32,916 (- 20.3%) 01/2017: Batman Beyond #4 -- 29,767 (- 9.6%) 02/2017: Batman Beyond #5 -- 27,495 (- 7.6%) 03/2017: Batman Beyond #6 -- 26,261 (- 4.5%) 04/2017: Batman Beyond #7 -- 24,789 (- 5.6%) 05/2017: Batman Beyond #8 -- 24,093 (- 2.8%) 06/2017: Batman Beyond #9 -- 23,370 (- 3.0%) ----------------- 6 months: - 29.0% 1 year : + 79.4% 2 years : - 56.2% 5 years : - 2.9%
117 - BATGIRL ($3.99) 06/2012: Batgirl #10 -- 47,050 06/2013: Batgirl #21 -- 40,252 06/2014: Batgirl #32 -- 47,304 [47,754] 06/2015: Batgirl #41 -- 33,220 [36,553] ------------------------------- 06/2016: -- 07/2016: Batgirl #1 -- 105,795 (+299.3%) 08/2016: Batgirl #2 -- 68,611 (- 35.1%) 09/2016: Batgirl #3 -- 51,580 (- 24.8%) 10/2016: Batgirl #4 -- 40,778 (- 20.9%) 11/2016: Batgirl #5 -- 35,210 (- 13.7%) 12/2016: Batgirl #6 -- 31,294 (- 11.1%) 01/2017: Batgirl #7 -- 28,712 (- 8.3%) 02/2017: Batgirl #8 -- 26,539 (- 7.6%) 03/2017: Batgirl #9 -- 25,469 (- 4.0%) 04/2017: Batgirl #10 -- 24,117 (- 5.3%) 05/2017: Batgirl #11 -- 23,338 (- 3.2%) 06/2017: Batgirl #12 -- 22,473 (- 3.7%) ----------------- 6 months: - 28.2% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : - 38.5% 5 years : - 52.2%
122 - SUPERGIRL ($3.99) 06/2007: Supergirl #18 -- 50,279 06/2012: Supergirl #10 -- 33,309 06/2013: Supergirl #21 -- 25,856 06/2014: Supergirl #32 -- 22,481 ---------------------------------- 08/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 124,088 (+367.8%) 09/2016: Supergirl #1 -- 99,272 (- 20.0%) 10/2016: Supergirl #2 -- 50,261 (- 49.4%) 11/2016: Supergirl #3 -- 37,316 (- 25.8%) 12/2016: Supergirl #4 -- 31,040 (- 16.8%) 01/2017: Supergirl #5 -- 29,030 (- 6.5%) 02/2017: Supergirl #6 -- 26,240 (- 9.6%) 03/2017: Supergirl #7 -- 24,592 (- 6.3%) 04/2017: Supergirl #8 -- 23,814 (- 3.2%) 05/2017: Supergirl #9 -- 22,605 (- 5.1%) 06/2017: Supergirl #10 -- 22,093 (- 2.3%) ----------------- 6 months: - 28.8% 5 years : - 33.7% 10 years: - 56.1%
IMHO, both Batgirl & Supergirl had better second story arcs than their first. But these days it seems no one ever goes back to a title they once dropped unless there’s a major creative change or other shake-up. Pity that.
132 - BATGIRL AND THE BIRDS OF PREY ($3.99) 06/2007: Birds of Prey #107 -- 28,632 06/2012: Birds of Prey #10 -- 28,457 06/2013: Birds of Prey #21 -- 20,767 06/2014: Birds of Prey #32 -- 16,397 -------------------------------------- 07/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 109,066 (+119.0%) 08/2016: Batgirl & BoP #1 -- 83,481 (- 23.5%) 09/2016: Batgirl & BoP #2 -- 54,083 (- 35.2%) 10/2016: Batgirl & BoP #3 -- 40,041 (- 26.0%) 11/2016: Batgirl & BoP #4 -- 33,138 (- 17.2%) 12/2016: Batgirl & BoP #5 -- 28,846 (- 13.0%) 01/2017: Batgirl & BoP #6 -- 26,618 (- 7.7%) 02/2017: Batgirl & BoP #7 -- 24,466 (- 8.1%) 03/2017: Batgirl & BoP #8 -- 22,941 (- 6.2%) 04/2017: Batgirl & BoP #9 -- 21,535 (- 6.1%) 05/2017: Batgirl & BoP #10 -- 20,818 (- 3.3%) 06/2017: Batgirl & BoP #11 -- 19,912 (- 4.4%) ----------------- 6 months: - 31.0% 5 years : - 30.0% 10 years: - 30.5%
139 - THE HELLBLAZER ($3.99) 06/2007: Hellblazer #233 -- 13,201 06/2012: Hellblazer #292 -- 9,533 06/2013: Constantine #4 -- 26,417 06/2014: Constantine #15 -- 16,704 06/2015: The Hellblazer #1 -- 41,888 [40,335] ------------------------------------- 06/2016: The Hellblazer #13 -- 15,697 (- 1.3%) 07/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 84,404 (+437.7%) 08/2016: The Hellblazer #1 -- 65,707 (- 22.2%) 09/2016: The Hellblazer #2 -- 44,824 (- 31.8%) 10/2016: The Hellblazer #3 -- 33,596 (- 25.0%) 11/2016: The Hellblazer #4 -- 28,882 (- 14.0%) 12/2016: The Hellblazer #5 -- 25,780 (- 10.7%) 01/2017: The Hellblazer #6 -- 23,349 (- 9.4%) 02/2017: The Hellblazer #7 -- 21,450 (- 8.1%) 03/2017: The Hellblazer #8 -- 20,510 (- 4.4%) 04/2017: The Hellblazer #9 -- 19,115 (- 6.8%) 05/2017: The Hellblazer #10 -- 18,370 (- 3.9%) 06/2017: The Hellblazer #11 -- 17,585 (- 4.3%) ----------------- 6 months: - 31.8% 1 year : + 12.0% 2 years : - 56.4% 5 years : + 84.5% 10 years: + 33.2%
Only a couple thousand above its pre-rebirth level.
146 - SUPERWOMAN ($3.99) 08/2016: Superwoman #1 -- 101,289 09/2016: Superwoman #2 -- 55,480 (- 45.2%) 10/2016: Superwoman #3 -- 40,554 (- 26.9%) 11/2016: Superwoman #4 -- 30,070 (- 25.9%) 12/2016: Superwoman #5 -- 24,761 (- 17.7%) 01/2017: Superwoman #6 -- 23,065 (- 6.8%) 02/2017: Superwoman #7 -- 20,435 (- 11.4%) 03/2017: Superwoman #8 -- 18,857 (- 7.7%) 04/2017: Superwoman #9 -- 17,836 (- 5.4%) 05/2017: Superwoman #10 -- 17,068 (- 4.3%) 06/2017: Superwoman #11 -- 16,137 (- 5.5%) ----------------- 6 months: - 34.8%
Racing to the bottom.
151 - SCOOBY APOCALYPSE ($3.99) 06/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #2 -- 29,812 (- 61.5%) 07/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #3 -- 29,494 (- 1.1%) 08/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #4 -- 28,148 (- 4.6%) 09/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #5 -- 26,170 (- 7.0%) 10/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #6 -- 23,781 (- 9.1%) 11/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #7 -- 21,983 (- 7.6%) 12/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #8 -- 20,126 (- 8.4%) 01/2017: Scooby Apocalypse #9 -- 19,208 (- 4.6%) 02/2017: Scooby Apocalypse #10 -- 17,993 (- 6.3%) 03/2017: Scooby Apocalypse #11 -- 17,281 (- 4.0%) 04/2017: Scooby Apocalypse #12 -- 16,492 (- 4.6%) 05/2017: Scooby Apocalypse #13 -- 16,016 (- 2.9%) 06/2017: Scooby Apocalypse #14 -- 15,500 (- 3.2%) ----------------- 6 months: - 23.0% 1 year : - 48.0%
In the grips of standard attrition.
155 - DARK KNIGHT III: THE MASTER RACE COLLECTORS' EDITION ($12.99) 06/2016: -- 07/2016: Dark Knight III Coll #5 of 8 -- 18,525 (+ 1.6%) 08/2016: -- 09/2016: -- 10/2016: -- 11/2016: Dark Knight III Coll #6 of 8 -- 17,506 (- 5.5%) 12/2016: -- 01/2017: Dark Knight III Coll #7 of 9 -- 15,326 (- 12.5%) 02/2017: -- 03/2017: -- 04/2017: Dark Knight III Coll #8 of 9 -- 14,544 (- 5.1%) 05/2017: -- 06/2017: Dark Knight III Coll #9 of 9 -- 15,039 (+ 3.4%) ----------------- 6 months: n.a. 1 year : n.a.
Tracking these separately from the main title, since they’re such a different beast.
At $13 a pop, it ranks at #26 on the dollar sales chart!
167, 170 - INJUSTICE 2 (Digital-First) ($2.99) 06/2013: Injustice #6 -- 26,011 06/2014: Injustice Y2 #6 -- 19,353 06/2015: Injustice Y4 #3 -- 15,982 06/2015: Injustice Y4 #4 -- 15,493 ----------------------------------- 06/2016: Injustice Y5 #11 -- 13,682 (+ 2.6%) 06/2016: Injustice Y5 #12 -- 13,318 (- 2.7%) 07/2016: Injustice Y5 #13 -- 13,590 (+ 2.0%) 07/2016: Injustice Y5 #14 -- 13,418 (- 1.3%) 08/2016: Injustice Y5 #15 -- 13,258 (- 1.2%) 08/2016: Injustice Y5 #16 -- 12,914 (- 2.6%) 09/2016: Injustice Y5 #17 -- 12,782 (- 1.0%) 09/2016: Injustice Y5 #18 -- 12,740 (- 0.3%) 10/2016: Injustice Y5 #19 -- 12,262 (- 3.8%) 10/2016: Injustice Y5 #20 -- 12,313 (+ 0.4%) 11/2016: -- 12/2016: Ground Zero #1 -- 17,513 (+ 42.2%) 12/2016: Ground Zero #2 -- 13,406 (- 23.5%) 01/2017: Ground Zero #3 -- 11,980 (- 10.6%) 01/2017: Ground Zero #4 -- 11,927 (- 0.4%) 02/2017: Ground Zero #5 -- 11,043 (- 7.4%) 02/2017: Ground Zero #6 -- 11,110 (+ 0.6%) 03/2017: Ground Zero #7 -- 10,920 (- 1.7%) 03/2017: Ground Zero #8 -- 10,670 (- 2.3%) 04/2017: Ground Zero #9 -- 10,669 (- 0.0%) 04/2017: Ground Zero #10 -- 10,466 (- 1.9%) 05/2017: Ground Zero #11 -- 10,231 (- 2.2%) 05/2017: Ground Zero #12 -- 10,025 (- 2.0%) 05/2017: Injustice 2 #1 -- 24,325 (+142.6%) 05/2017: Injustice 2 #2 -- 13,557 (- 44.3%) 06/2017: Injustice 2 #3 -- 13,645 (+ 0.6%) 06/2017: Injustice 2 #4 -- 13,342 (- 2.2%) ----------------- 6 months: - 12.7% 1 year : - 0.0% 2 years : - 14.3%
Injustice 2 has stabilized fairly quickly.
168 - NEW SUPER-MAN ($3.99) 07/2016: New Super-Man #1 -- 129,452 08/2016: New Super-Man #2 -- 79,774 (- 38.4%) 09/2016: New Super-Man #3 -- 45,976 (- 42.4%) 10/2016: New Super-Man #4 -- 31,689 (- 31.1%) 11/2016: New Super-Man #5 -- 25,378 (- 19.9%) 12/2016: New Super-Man #6 -- 21,000 (- 17.3%) 01/2017: New Super-Man #7 -- 18,959 (- 9.7%) 02/2017: New Super-Man #8 -- 16,962 (- 10.5%) 03/2017: New Super-Man #9 -- 15,576 (- 8.2%) 04/2017: New Super-Man #10 -- 14,748 (- 5.3%) 05/2017: New Super-Man #11 -- 13,995 (- 5.1%) 06/2017: New Super-Man #12 -- 13,610 (- 2.8%) ----------------- 6 months: - 35.2%
First month trade sales for the first collection were only 2,334 through Diamond, so trade sales through other outlets are going to have to be rather spectacular if New Super-Man is to survive much longer.
172 - THE KAMANDI CHALLENGE ($3.99) 01/2017: Kamandi Challenge #1 of 12 -- 23,576 02/2017: Kamandi Challenge #2 of 12 -- 16,650 (- 29.4%) 03/2017: Kamandi Challenge #3 of 12 -- 15,446 (- 7.2%) 04/2017: Kamandi Challenge #4 of 12 -- 14,205 (- 8.0%) 05/2017: Kamandi Challenge #5 of 12 -- 13,504 (- 4.9%) 06/2017: Kamandi Challenge #6 of 12 -- 12,860 (- 4.8%)
Sales may not look very pretty by the end…
178 - BLUE BEETLE ($3.99) 06/2007: Blue Beetle #16 -- 17,016 06/2012: Blue Beetle #10 -- 14,416 ---------------------------------- 08/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 80,292 (+599.0%) 09/2016: Blue Beetle #1 -- 57,454 (- 28.4%) 10/2016: Blue Beetle #2 -- 36,799 (- 35.9%) 11/2016: Blue Beetle #3 -- 25,300 (- 31.2%) 12/2016: Blue Beetle #4 -- 20,811 (- 17.7%) 01/2017: Blue Beetle #5 -- 18,104 (- 13.0%) 02/2017: Blue Beetle #6 -- 15,906 (- 12.1%) 03/2017: Blue Beetle #7 -- 14,690 (- 7.6%) 04/2017: Blue Beetle #8 -- 13,406 (- 8.7%) 05/2017: Blue Beetle #9 -- 12,939 (- 3.5%) 06/2017: Blue Beetle #10 -- 12,399 (- 4.2%) ----------------- 6 months: - 40.4% 5 years : - 14.0% 10 years: - 27.1%
Bringing on a new creative team with issue #14.
181 - SUPERGIRL: BEING SUPER ($5.99) 12/2016: Being Super #1 of 4 -- 21,491 01/2017: -- 02/2017: Being Super #2 of 4 -- 14,662 (- 31.8%) 03/2017: -- 04/2017: Being Super #3 of 4 -- 13,003 (- 11.3%) 05/2017: -- 06/2017: Being Super #4 of 4 -- 12,228 (- 6.0%) ----------------- 6 months: - 43.1%
I recently read a piece online bemoaning the sales of this (apparently quite good) mini-series; but as an out-of-continuity, YA-focused comic this one had made-for-the-book-market and wait-for-the-trade written all over it.
183 - CYBORG ($3.99) 06/2016: Cyborg #12 -- 12,411 (- 0.1%) 07/2016: -- 08/2016: -- 09/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 70,586 (+468.7%) 09/2016: Cyborg #1 -- 61,908 (- 12.3%) 10/2016: Cyborg #2 -- 41,577 (- 32.8%) 10/2016: Cyborg #3 -- 35,756 (- 14.0%) 11/2016: Cyborg #4 -- 28,303 (- 20.8%) 11/2016: Cyborg #5 -- 25,772 (- 8.9%) 12/2016: Cyborg #6 -- 21,287 (- 17.4%) 12/2016: Cyborg #7 -- 19,788 (- 7.0%) 01/2017: Cyborg #8 -- 18,562 (- 6.2%) 02/2017: Cyborg #9 -- 16,274 (- 12.3%) 03/2017: Cyborg #10 -- 14,977 (- 8.0%) 04/2017: Cyborg #11 -- 13,677 (- 8.7%) 05/2017: Cyborg #12 -- 12,929 (- 5.5%) 06/2017: Cyborg #13 -- 12,076 (- 6.6%) ----------------- 6 months: - 43.3% 1 year : - 2.7%
Sales have now fallen below those of the DCYou series. The Cyborg movie is presently scheduled for 2020, but I don’t think the comic can hold out that long. Certainly not in its present configuration.
185, 189 - DC COMICS BOMBSHELLS (Digital First) ($3.99) 06/2016: Bombshells #14 -- 18,492 (+ 2.5%) 07/2016: Bombshells #15 -- 17,956 (- 2.9%) 08/2016: Bombshells #16 -- 17,623 (- 1.9%) 09/2016: Bombshells #17 -- 16,685 (- 5.3%) 10/2016: Bombshells #18 -- 16,042 (- 3.9%) 11/2016: Bombshells #19 -- 15,452 (- 3.7%) 12/2016: Bombshells #20 -- 14,428 (- 6.6%) 01/2017: Bombshells #21 -- 13,748 (- 4.7%) 02/2017: Bombshells #22 -- 13,204 (- 4.0%) 03/2017: Bombshells #23 -- 12,794 (- 3.1%) 03/2017: Bombshells #24 -- 12,525 (- 2.1%) 04/2017: Bombshells #25 -- 12,499 (- 0.2%) 05/2017: Bombshells #26 -- 13,325 (+ 6.6%) 05/2017: Bombshells #27 -- 12,917 (- 3.1%) 06/2017: Bombshells #28 -- 12,011 (- 7.0%) 06/2017: Bombshells #29 -- 11,858 (- 1.3%) ----------------- 6 months: - 17.3% 1 year : - 35.5%
Getting a relaunch in September.
186 - BATMAN '66 MEETS WONDER WOMAN '77 (Digital-First) ($3.99) 06/2016: -- 07/2016: Avengers #1 of 6 -- 13,921 (+ 25.9%) 08/2016: Avengers #2 of 6 -- 11,079 (- 20.4%) 09/2016: Avengers #3 of 6 -- 10,082 (- 9.0%) 10/2016: Avengers #4 of 6 -- 9,556 (- 5.2%) 11/2016: Avengers #5 of 6 -- 9,223 (- 3.5%) 12/2016: Avengers #6 of 6 -- 8,675 (- 5.9%) 01/2017: Wonder Woman #1 of 6 -- 23,687 (+173.0%) 02/2017: Wonder Woman #2 of 6 -- 14,484 (- 38.9%) 03/2017: Wonder Woman #3 of 6 -- 13,277 (- 8.3%) 04/2017: Wonder Woman #4 of 6 -- 12,537 (- 5.6%) 05/2017: Wonder Woman #5 of 6 -- 12,192 (- 2.8%) 06/2017: Wonder Woman #6 of 6 -- 11,887 (- 2.5%) ---------------- 6 months: + 37.0% 1 year : n.a.
There aren’t any more Batman ’66 comics on the schedule, but I hear there’s an Archie crossover in the works, so we likely haven’t seen the last of The Caped Crusader.
188 - BUG: THE ADVENTURES OF FORAGER (Young Animal) ($3.99) 05/2017: Bug #1 of 6 -- 18,252 06/2017: Bug #2 of 6 -- 11,881 (- 34.9%)
In the expected range for a second-issue drop. With Doom Patrol on hiatus this month, the Bug mini-series is the top Young Animal book for June.
216 - MOTHER PANIC (Young Animal) ($3.99) 11/2016: Mother Panic #1 -- 45,089 12/2016: Mother Panic #2 -- 20,506 (- 54.5%) 01/2017: -- 02/2017: Mother Panic #3 -- 16,261 (- 20.7%) 03/2017: Mother Panic #4 -- 14,327 (- 11.9%) 03/2017: Mother Panic #5 -- 12,339 (- 13.9%) 04/2017: Mother Panic #6 -- 11,140 (- 9.7%) 05/2017: Mother Panic #7 -- 10,479 (- 5.9%) 06/2017: Mother Panic #8 -- 9,728 (- 7.2%) ----------------- 6 months: - 52.6%
Things are not going well here.
218 - THE FALL AND RISE OF CAPTAIN ATOM ($2.99) 06/2012: Captain Atom #10 -- 11,546 ---------------------------------------- 01/2017: F&R Capt Atom #1 of 6 -- 18,728 (+ 34.4%) 02/2017: F&R Capt Atom #2 of 6 -- 12,671 (- 32.3%) 03/2017: F&R Capt Atom #3 of 6 -- 11,659 (- 8.0%) 04/2017: F&R Capt Atom #4 of 6 -- 10,644 (- 8.7%) 05/2017: F&R Capt Atom #5 of 6 -- 10,221 (- 4.0%) 06/2017: F&R Capt Atom #6 of 6 -- 9,660 (- 5.5%) ----------------- 5 years : - 16.3%
Well, they certainly got the ‘Fall’ part of the title correct…
220 - CAVE CARSON HAS A CYBERNETIC EYE (Young Animal) ($3.99) 10/2016: Cave Carson #1 -- 38,724 11/2016: Cave Carson #2 -- 22,106 (- 42.9%) 12/2016: Cave Carson #3 -- 16,755 (- 24.2%) 01/2017: Cave Carson #4 -- 14,183 (- 15.4%) 02/2017: Cave Carson #5 -- 12,388 (- 12.7%) 03/2017: Cave Carson #6 -- 11,558 (- 6.7%) 04/2017: Cave Carson #7 -- 10,873 (- 5.9%) 05/2017: Cave Carson #8 -- 10,253 (- 5.7%) 06/2017: Cave Carson #9 -- 9,578 (- 6.6%) ----------------- 6 months: - 42.8%
Cave Carson and Shade (see below) are going on hiatus after their twelfth issues so that Young Animal can retool.
225 - ASTRO CITY (Vertigo) ($3.99) 06/2007: -- 06/2012: -- 06/2013: Astro City #1 -- 27,700 06/2014: Astro City #13 -- 13,419 06/2015: Astro City #24 -- 11,226 ---------------------------------- 06/2016: Astro City #36 -- 9,960 (- 0.4%) 07/2016: Astro City #37 -- 9,953 (- 0.1%) 08/2016: -- 09/2016: Astro City #38 -- 9,963 (- 0.9%) 09/2016: Astro City #39 -- 9,621 (- 2.5%) 10/2016: Astro City #40 -- 9,568 (- 0.6%) 11/2016: -- 12/2016: -- 01/2017: -- 02/2017: Astro City #41 -- 10,066 (+ 5.2%) 03/2017: Astro City #42 -- 9,481 (- 5.8%) 04/2017: Astro City #43 -- 9,309 (- 1.8%) 05/2017: Astro City #44 -- 9,318 (+ 0.1%) 06/2017: Astro City #45 -- 9,224 (- 1.0%) ----------------- 6 months: n.a. 1 year : - 7.4% 2 years : - 17.8% 5 years : n.a. 10 years: n.a.
The top Vertigo series for June.
228 - SHADE, THE CHANGING GIRL (Young Animal) ($3.99) 10/2016: Shade #1 -- 35,289 11/2016: Shade #2 -- 21,479 (- 39.1%) 12/2016: Shade #3 -- 15,837 (- 26.3%) 01/2017: Shade #4 -- 13,536 (- 14.5%) 02/2017: Shade #5 -- 11,670 (- 13.8%) 03/2017: Shade #6 -- 10,612 (- 9.1%) 04/2017: Shade #7 -- 9,827 (- 7.4%) 05/2017: Shade #8 -- 9,350 (- 4.9%) 06/2017: Shade #9 -- 8,839 (- 5.5%) ---------------- 6 months: - 44.2%
This is the first Young Animal title with sales below that of a Vertigo title in a given month.
230 - THE FLINTSTONES ($3.99) 07/2016: Flintstones #1 -- 43,996 08/2016: Flintstones #2 -- 19,612 (- 55.4%) 09/2016: Flintstones #3 -- 14,910 (- 24.0%) 10/2016: Flintstones #4 -- 12,740 (- 14.6%) 11/2016: Flintstones #5 -- 11,552 (- 9.3%) 12/2016: Flintstones #6 -- 10,617 (- 8.1%) 01/2017: Flintstones #7 -- 10,099 (- 4.9%) 02/2017: Flintstones #8 -- 9,551 (- 5.4%) 03/2017: Flintstones #9 -- 9,213 (- 3.5%) 04/2017: Flintstones #10 -- 8,994 (- 2.4%) 05/2017: Flintstones #11 -- 8,745 (- 2.8%) 06/2017: Flintstones #12 -- 8,606 (- 1.6%) ---------------- 6 months: - 18.9%
Final issue; it deserved better. But then, as I’m one of those who are trade-waiting on this, I suppose I’m part of the problem?
231 - THE ODYSSEY OF THE AMAZONS ($3.99) 01/2017: Odyssey Amazons #1 of 6 -- 21,811 02/2017: Odyssey Amazons #2 of 6 -- 14,334 (- 34.3%) 03/2017: Odyssey Amazons #3 of 6 -- 11,013 (- 23.2%) 04/2017: Odyssey Amazons #4 of 6 -- 9,573 (- 13.1%) 05/2017: Odyssey Amazons #5 of 6 -- 8,942 (- 6.6%) 06/2017: Odyssey Amazons #6 of 6 -- 8,597 (- 3.9%)
Not exactly a smash hit mini-series. Maybe putting Wonder Woman’s name in the title would have helped some?
232 - TEEN TITANS GO! (Digital-First) ($2.99) 06/2007: Teen Titans Go! #44 -- 8,738 06/2014: Teen Titans Go! #4 -- 8,667 06/2015: Teen Titans Go! #10 -- 8,883 -------------------------------------- 06/2016: Teen Titans Go! #16 -- 9,324 (+ 1.2%) 07/2016: -- 08/2016: Teen Titans Go! #17 -- 9,636 (+ 3.3%) 09/2016: -- 10/2016: Teen Titans Go! #18 -- 9,506 (- 1.3%) 11/2016: -- 12/2016: Teen Titans Go! #19 -- 8,748 (- 8.0%) 01/2017: -- 02/2017: Teen Titans Go! #20 -- 8,601 (- 1.7%) 03/2017: -- 04/2017: Teen Titans Go! #21 -- 8,410 (- 2.2%) 05/2017: -- 06/2017: Teen Titans Go! #22 -- 8,531 (+ 1.4%) ----------------- 6 months: - 2.5% 1 year : - 8.5% 2 years : - 4.0% 10 years: - 2.4%
248 - GOTHAM ACADEMY: SECOND SEMESTER ($2.99) 06/2015: Gotham Academy #7 -- 26,594 -------------------------------------- 06/2016: -- 07/2016: -- 08/2016: -- 09/2016: Second Semester #1 -- 21,765 (+ 75.4%) 10/2016: Second Semester #2 -- 13,856 (- 36.3%) 11/2016: Second Semester #3 -- 12,304 (- 11.2%) 12/2016: Second Semester #4 -- 9,751 (- 20.7%) 01/2017: Second Semester #5 -- 9,453 (- 3.1%) 02/2017: Second Semester #6 -- 8,624 (- 8.8%) 03/2017: Second Semester #7 -- 8,131 (- 5.7%) 04/2017: Second Semester #8 -- 7,624 (- 6.2%) 05/2017: Second Semester #9 -- 7,402 (- 2.9%) 06/2017: Second Semester #10 -- 7,304 (- 1.3%) ---------------- 6 months: - 25.1% 1 year : n.a. 2 years : - 72.5%
Coming in at #254 is the DC Looney Tines 100 Page Spectacular: 7,022 copies at $7.99 a pop. (Not included in the summary stats below.)
265 - LUCIFER (Vertigo) ($3.99) 06/2016: Lucifer #7 -- 10,382 (- 3.0%) 07/2016: Lucifer #8 -- 9,968 (- 4.0%) 08/2016: Lucifer #9 -- 9,554 (- 4.2%) 09/2016: Lucifer #10 -- 8,891 (- 6.9%) 10/2016: Lucifer #11 -- 8,507 (- 4.3%) 11/2016: Lucifer #12 -- 8,133 (- 4.4%) 12/2016: Lucifer #13 -- 7,739 (- 4.8%) 01/2017: Lucifer #14 -- 7,442 (- 3.8%) 02/2017: Lucifer #15 -- 7,120 (- 4.3%) 03/2017: Lucifer #16 -- 6,917 (- 2.9%) 04/2017: Lucifer #17 -- 6,703 (- 3.1%) 05/2017: Lucifer #18 -- 6,520 (- 2.7%) 06/2017: Lucifer #19 -- 6,407 (- 1.7%) ----------------- 6 months: - 19.8% 1 year : - 39.1%
Final issue. One might think that DC will try to keep some kind of Lucifer comic going while the series is on the air—perhaps a digital first offering more tied in to the television continuity?—but so far there’s no work on such a thing.
271 - SCOOBY-DOO TEAM-UP (All-Ages) ($2.99) 06/2014: -- 06/2015: -- ----------------------------------------- 06/2016: -- 07/2016: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #17 -- 7,892 (- 6.0%) 08/2016: -- 09/2016: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #18 -- 7,913 (+ 0.3%) 10/2016: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #19 -- 7,467 (- 5.6%) 11/2016: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #20 -- 7,708 (+ 3.2%) 12/2016: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #21 -- 14,270 (+ 85.1%) 01/2017: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #22 -- 6,521 (- 54.3%) 02/2017: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #23 -- 5,959 (- 8.6%) 03/2017: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #24 -- 6,316 (+ 6.0%) 04/2017: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #25 -- 6,940 (+ 9.9%) 05/2017: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #26 -- 5,998 (- 13.6%) 06/2017: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #27 -- 6,281 (+ 4.7%) ----------------- 6 months: - 56.0% 1 Year : n.a. 2 Years : n.a.
Teaming up with Plastic Man. SDTU always seems to do better when there’s a DCU guest star.
300 - SAVAGE THINGS (Vertigo) ($3.99) 03/2017: Savage Things #1 of 8 -- 10,568 04/2017: Savage Things #2 of 8 -- 6,507 (- 38.4%) 05/2017: Savage Things #3 of 8 -- 5,278 (- 18.9%) 06/2017: Savage Things #4 of 8 -- 4,739 (- 10.2%)
Still on the Top 300 chart—barely…
+300 - EVERAFTER: FROM THE PAGES OF FABLES (Vertigo) ($3.99) 06/2007: Fables #62 -- 25,726 06/2012: Fables #118 -- 18,566 06/2013: Fables #130 -- 15,129 06/2014: Fables #141 -- 13,997 06/2015: -- -------------------------------- 09/2016: Everafter #1 -- 11,421 (- 19.4%) 10/2016: Everafter #2 -- 8,414 (- 26.3%) 11/2016: Everafter #3 -- 7,182 (- 14.6%) 12/2016: Everafter #4 -- 6,192 (- 13.8%) 01/2017: Everafter #5 -- 5,877 (- 5.1%) 02/2017: Everafter #6 -- 5,399 (- 8.1%) 03/2017: Everafter #7 -- 5,819 (+ 7.8%) 04/2017: Everafter #8 -- 5,067 (- 12.9%) 05/2017: Everafter #9 -- ????? (< 5,254) 06/2017: Everafter #10 -- ????? (< 4,739) ----------------- 6 months: ????% 2 years : n.a. 5 years : ????% 10 years: ????%
We may never see Everafter on the chart again.
+300 - SCOOBY-DOO, WHERE ARE YOU? (All-Ages) ($2.99) 06/2007: Scooby-Doo #121 -- 4,415 06/2012: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #22 -- 4,968 06/2013: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #34 -- 4,881 06/2014: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #46 -- ????? (< 4,560) 06/2015: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #58 -- 5,033 ----------------------------------------------- 06/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #70 -- ????? (< 5,596) 07/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #71 -- 5,254 08/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #72 -- ????? (< 5,497) 09/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #73 -- 5,214 10/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #74 -- 4,972 (- 4.6%) 11/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #75 -- 4,920 (- 1.0%) 12/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #76 -- 4,805 (- 2.3%) 01/2017: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #77 -- 4,557 (- 5.2%) 02/2017: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #78 -- 4,362 (- 4.3%) 03/2017: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #79 -- ????? (< 4,812) 04/2017: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #78 -- 4,416 05/2017: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #79 -- ????? (< 5,254) 06/2017: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #80 -- ????? (< 4,739) ----------------- 6 months: ????% 1 year : ????% 2 years : ????% 5 years : ????% 10 years: ????%
Where indeed?
Average Periodical Sales (not counting reprints, reorders shipping after the initial month of release, director’s cuts, and magazines; based on first-month sales only.)
DC COMICS 06/2007: 34,017 06/2012: 37,599 06/2013: 34,517 06/2014: 32,834 ** 06/2015: 35,318 ** --------------- 06/2016: 48,770 (+ 98.8%) ** 07/2016: 63,656 (+ 30.5%) ** 08/2016: 67,257 (+ 5.7%) ** 09/2016: 51,379 (- 23.6%) ** 10/2016: 41,277 (- 19.7%) ** 11/2016: 36,894 (- 10.6%) ** 12/2016: 35,265 (- 4.4%) ** 01/2017: 34,011 (- 3.6%) ** 02/2017: 32,473 (- 4.5%) ** 03/2017: 30,466 (- 6.2%) ** 04/2017: 32,870 (+ 7.9%) ** 05/2017: 32,122 (- 2.3%) ** 06/2017: 30,480 (- 5.1%) ** ----------------- 6 months: - 13.6% 1 year : - 37.5% 2 years : - 13.7% 5 years : - 18.9% 10 years: - 10.4% DC UNIVERSE 06/2007: 47,986 06/2012: 43,082 06/2013: 37,133 06/2014: 42,733 06/2015: 46,980 --------------- 06/2016: 65,876 (+120.1%) 07/2016: 90,237 (+ 37.0%) 08/2016: 87,905 (- 2.6%) 09/2016: 64,037 (- 27.2%) 10/2016: 54,470 (- 14.9%) 11/2016: 45,659 (- 16.2%) 12/2016: 45,125 (- 1.2%) 01/2017: 40,979 (- 9.2%) 02/2017: 40,430 (- 1.3%) 03/2017: 39,458 (- 2.4%) 04/2017: 41,600 (+ 5.4%) 05/2017: 39,993 (- 3.9%) 06/2017: 37,789 (- 5.5%) ----------------- 6 months: - 16.3% 1 year : - 42.6% 2 years : - 19.6% 5 years : - 12.3% 10 years: - 21.2% WILDSTORM 06/2007: 12,272 --------------- 02/2017: 54,442 03/2017: 37,818 (- 30.5%) 04/2017: 30,595 (- 19.1%) 05/2017: 25,571 (- 16.4%) 06/2017: 24,206 (- 5.3%) ----------------- 10 years: + 97.2% VERTIGO & YOUNG ANIMAL 06/2007: 12,732 06/2012: 11,448 06/2013: 17,368 06/2014: 11,372 06/2015: 8,011 ** --------------- 06/2016: 6,073 (+ 5.9%) ** 07/2016: 6,328 (+ 4.2%) ** 08/2016: 5,639 (- 10.9%) ** 09/2016: 16,825 (+198.4%) ** 10/2016: 14,526 (- 13.7%) ** 11/2016: 14,623 (+ 0.7%) ** 12/2016: 9,177 (- 37.2%) ** 01/2017: 10,652 (+ 16.1%) ** 02/2017: 8,434 (- 20.8%) ** 03/2017: 10,102 (+ 19.8%) ** 04/2017: 8,994 (- 11.0%) ** 05/2017: 9,315 (+ 3.6%) ** 06/2017: 8,142 (- 12.6%) ** ----------------- 6 months: - 11.3% 1 year : + 34.1% 2 years : + 1.6% 5 years : - 28.9% 10 years: - 36.1%
Without Young Animal, the Vertigo average for the month would be 6,277.
DC COMICS - TOTAL SALES 06/2007: 2,075,054 06/2012: 2,819,903 06/2013: 2,347,157 06/2014: 2,265,542 ** 06/2015: 2,366,284 ** ------------------ 06/2016: 3,267,574 (+ 80.0%) ** 07/2016: 4,010,332 (+ 22.7%) ** 08/2016: 4,977,036 (+ 24.1%) ** 09/2016: 3,802,051 (- 23.6%) ** 10/2016: 3,508,534 (- 7.7%) ** 11/2016: 3,025,276 (- 13.8%) ** 12/2016: 2,926,973 (- 3.2%) ** 01/2017: 2,856,889 (- 2.4%) ** 02/2017: 2,662,746 (- 6.8%) ** 03/2017: 2,711,448 (+ 1.8%) ** 04/2017: 2,465,239 (- 9.1%) ** 05/2017: 2,569,767 (- 9.1%) ** 06/2017: 2,529,852 (- 1.6%) ** ----------------- 6 months: - 13.6% 1 year : - 22.6% 2 years : + 6.9% 5 years : - 10.3% 10 years: + 21.9%
Total sales we down about 40K from May, even though DC published three more comics this month.
6 month comparisons =================== + 37.0% - Batman 66 Meets... - 0.4% - Batman - 2.5% - Teen Titans Go! - 8.8% - Action Comics - 9.4% - Dark Knight III - 12.7% - Injustice - 14.4% - Flash - 15.1% - Detective Comics - 15.6% - Superman - 17.3% - DC Comics Bombshells - 17.3% - Titans - 18.3% - Teen Titans - 18.9% - Flintstones - 19.3% - Hal Jordan & GLC - 19.8% - Lucifer - 20.6% - Wonder Woman - 22.7% - Aquaman - 22.7% - Deathstroke - 23.0% - Scooby Apocalypse - 23.4% - Red Hood & Outlaws - 24.3% - Green Lanterns - 25.1% - Gotham Academy - 25.5% - Nightwing - 26.0% - Harley Quinn - 26.1% - Justice League - 27.4% - Green Arrow - 28.2% - Batgirl - 28.3% - All Star Batman - 28.8% - Supergirl - 29.0% - Batman Beyond - 31.0% - Batgirl & Birds of Prey - 31.8% - The Hellblazer - 34.8% - Superwoman - 35.0% - Trinity - 35.2% - New Super-Man - 37.3% - Suicide Squad - 40.4% - Blue Beetle - 42.8% - Cave Carson - 43.1% - Supergirl Being Super - 43.3% - Cyborg - 44.2% - Shade - 52.6% - Mother Panic - 56.0% - Scooby-Doo Team-Up 1 year comparisons =================== + 92.1% - Titans (Titans Hunt) + 79.4% - Batman Beyond + 77.3% - Hal Jordan & GLC (GLC Edge) + 57.4% - Suicide Squad (New Suicide Squad) + 53.7% - Red Hood & Outlaws (Red Hood/Arsenal) + 17.3% - Deathstroke + 12.0% - The Hellblazer (Constantine the Hellblazer) - 0.0% - Injustice - 2.7% - Cyborg - 6.3% - Harley Quinn - 7.4% - Astro City - 8.5% - Teen Titans Go! - 22.9% - Dark Knight III - 24.7% - Justice League - 35.5% - DC Comics Bombshells - 39.1% - Lucifer - 48.0% - Scooby Apocalypse - 52.3% - Detective Comics - 55.0% - Action Comics - 56.4% - Flash - 60.0% - Titans - 61.0% - Batman - 62.4% - Superman - 65.6% - Wonder Woman - 70.5% - Aquaman - 71.0% - Green Lanterns - 71.0% - Green Arrow 2 year comparisons =================== + 27.0% - Flash + 6.7% - Teen Titans - 4.0% - Teen Titans Go! - 4.3% - Detective Comics - 4.4% - Wonder Woman - 5.2% - Action Comics - 8.2% - Superman - 8.4% - Green Arrow - 10.6% - Nightwing - 13.0% - Suicide Squad - 14.3% - Injustice - 17.8% - Astro City - 20.5% - Aquaman - 24.7% - Batman - 31.6% - Green Lanterns (Green Lantern) - 38.0% - Red Hood & Outlaws (Red Hood/Arsenal) - 38.1% - Deathstroke - 38.5% - Batgirl - 44.4% - Justice League - 56.2% - Batman Beyond - 56.4% - The Hellblazer (Constantine the Hellblazer) - 72.5% - Gotham Academy - 74.3% - Justice League of America 5 year comparisons =================== + 84.5% - Hellblazer + 26.1% - Suicide Squad + 25.5% - Deathstroke + 7.0% - Green Arrow - 2.2% - Flash - 2.9% - Batman Beyond - 7.4% - Wonder Woman - 14.0% - Superman - 14.0% - Blue Beetle - 16.0% - Batman - 16.3% - Captain Atom - 24.1% - Teen Titans - 26.4% - Hal Jordan & GLC (GLC) - 28.4% - Nightwing - 30.0% - Batgirl & Birds of Prey (Birds of Prey) - 32.0% - Red Hood & Outlaws - 33.0% - Detective Comics - 33.7% - Supergirl - 34.7% - Batwoman - 42.9% - Justice League - 47.8% - Action Comics - 52.2% - Batgirl - 54.3% - Aquaman - 60.9% - Green Lanterns (Green Lantern) 10 year comparisons =================== + 70.5% - Aquaman + 33.2% - Hellblazer + 30.6% - Batman + 18.2% - Nightwing + 3.2% - Detective Comics + 0.1% - Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps (GLC) - 2.4% - Teen Titans Go! - 4.8% - Superman - 19.7% - Wonder Woman - 21.3% - Green Arrow - 27.1% - Blue Beetle - 30.5% - Batgirl & Birds of Prey (Birds of Prey) - 34.2% - Flash - 40.7% - Teen Titans - 56.1% - Supergirl - 70.5% - Justice League of America Sales Indices ============= DCU: Average: 37,789. Median: 32,855. No.: 58. Total: 2,191,744 3.5 - Dark Days The Forge 3.1 - Batman (24) 2.9 - Dark Knight III 2.7 - Batman (25) 1.7 - All Star Batman 1.5 - Detective Comics (958) 1.5 - Detective Comics (959) 1.4 - Flash (25) 1.4 - Flash (24) 1.4 - Justice League (22) 1.4 - Justice League (23) 1.3 - Superman (25) 1.3 - Superman (24) 1.2 - Wonder Woman (25) 1.1 - Wonder Woman (24) 1.1 - Action Comics (981) 1.1 - Action Comics (982) 1.1 - Harley Quinn (21) 1.1 - Titans 1.0 - Harley Quinn (22) 1.0 - Justice League of America (8) 1.0 - Suicide Squad (19) 1.0 - Justice League of America (9) 1.0 - Suicide Squad (20) 1.0 - Super Sons 1.0 - Nightwing (22) 1.0 - Teen Titans 1.0 - Nightwing (23) 0.9 - Hal Jordan & GLC (22) 0.9 - Trinity 0.9 - Hal Jordan & GLC (23) 0.8 - Batman/The Shadow 0.8 - Green Lanterns (24) 0.8 - Green Lanterns (25) 0.7 - Aquaman (25) 0.7 - Green Arrow (24) 0.7 - Green Arrow (25) 0.7 - Batwoman 0.7 - Aquaman (24) 0.7 - Red Hood & Outlaws 0.7 - Bane Conquest 0.7 - Deathstroke 0.6 - Wonder Woman: Steve Trevor 0.6 - Batman Beyond 0.6 - Batgirl 0.6 - Supergirl 0.5 - Batgirl & Birds of Prey 0.5 - The Hellblazer 0.4 - Superwoman 0.4 - Dark Knight III Coll. Ed. 0.4 - New Super-Man 0.3 - Kamandi Challenge 0.3 - Blue Beetle 0.3 - Supergirl Being Super 0.3 - Cyborg 0.3 - Fall & Rise of Capt. Atom 0.2 - Odyssey of the Amazons 0.2 - Gotham Academy 2nd Semester WildStorm: Average: 22,206. Median: 22,206. No.: 1. Total: 22,206 1.0 - The Wild Storm Vertigo & Young Animal: Average: 8,142**. Median: 9,032**. No.: 8. Total: 65,135** 1.5 - Bug 1.2 - Mother Panic 1.2 - Cave Carson 1.1 - Astro City 1.1 - Shade the Changing Girl 0.8 - Lucifer 0.6 - Savage Things 0.6 - Everafter ** Digital First & Other: Average: 11,543**. Median: 12,192**. No.: 13. Total: 150,059 2.1 - Batman/Elmer Fudd 1.6 - Wonder Woman/Tasmanian Devil 1.5 - Lobo/Road Runner 1.4 - Martian Manhunter/Marvin the Martian 1.4 - Legion/Bugs Bunny 1.3 - Jonah Hex/Yosemite Sam 1.0 - Scooby Apocalypse 0.9 - Injustice 2 (3) 0.9 - Injustice 2 (4) 0.8 - DC Comics Bombshells (28) 0.8 - Batman 66 Meets Wonder Woman 77 0.8 - DC Comics Bombshells (29) 0.6 - The Flintstones 0.5 - Teen Titans Go! 0.4 - Scooby-Doo Team-Up 0.3 - Scooby-Doo Where Are You? **
The Fine Print (Disclaimers, et cetera)
The numbers above are estimates for comic-book sales in the North American direct market, as calculated by according to the chart and index information provided by Diamond Comic Distributors.’s estimates are somewhat lower than the actual numbers, but they are consistent from month to month, so the trends they show are fairly accurate. Since it’s a “month-to-month” column, the comments, unless otherwise noted, are on the most recent month.
Bear in mind that the figures measure sales of physical comics to retailers, not customers. Also, these numbers do not include sales to bookstores, newsstands, other mass-market retail chains or the United Kingdom. Re-orders are included, so long as they either reached stores in a book’s initial calendar month of release or were strong enough to make the chart again in a subsequent month; or they show up in the year-end Top 1000. Keep in mind that sales for some titles may include incentives to acquire variants and not every unit sold is necessarily even intended to be sold to a customer.
If additional copies of an issue did appear on the chart after a book’s initial calendar month of release, you can see the total number of copies sold in brackets behind those issues (e.g. “[36,599]”). Likewise, any lower numbers due to returns or other factors returns will also be reflected in the brackets. Should more than one issue have shipped in a month which is relevant for one of the long-term comparisons, the average between them will be used.
Titles which are returnable have their numbers artificially adjusted down by Diamond. To make up for that this column increases the reported numbers for those titles by 10%. Which is likely also wrong, but it’s a different and likely less wrong kind of wrong, and experience has shown that this leads to sales figures which are more consistent.
Titles released under the All-Ages line and magazines, such as Mad, mostly sell through channels other than the direct market, so direct-market sales don’t tell us much about their performance. For most Vertigo titles, collection sales tend to be a significant factor, so the numbers for those books should be taken with a grain of salt as well.
Please keep in mind that raw sales numbers do not tell us about how profitable a book is for a publisher or for the creators.
Above all, do not allow sales numbers to dictate your purchasing and enjoyment of a particular comic. If you enjoy reading a comic series then go right on buying and reading that comic, no matter what the sales figures say.
** Two asterisks after a given month in the average charts mean that one or more periodical release did not make the Top 300 chart in that month. In those cases, it’s assumed that said releases sold as many units as the No. 300 comic on the chart for that month for the purposes of the chart, although its actual sales are likely to be less than that.
Opinions expressed in this column are mine alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer, Heidi MacDonald or anyone at The Comics Beat, The International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions, or my former neighbor’s dog Miles.
The author of this column does weekly snapshots of Amazon comic sales charts at and tweets about comics and related subjects on Twitter at @davereadscomics (PM me there is you need to contact me).
As always, we welcome your comments and corrections below. Please try to keep things civilized.
Sorry folks; I don’t know what happened to the formatting. You’ll find the properly-formatted version over on my blog at
Ah good, Heidi fixed the formatting!
DC’s publishing strategy for FORGE/CASTING was sub-optimal. I’d rather DC had published this material as either (a) a double-sized one-shot, (b) DARK DAYS #1, #2, and #3, or (c) METAL #0. Any of these options would have been less confusing than what they solicited and published. To top it off, the mash-up of three different artists was unappealing and needlessly incongruous.
What do the first numbers for each title under the Sales Indices section represent? Also, the standard attrition of readers always baffles me – where do readers go? Also, even at DC there continue to be too many titles published. It’s an abundance of riches, really. There’s not much I regret reading though.
“Also, the standard attrition of readers always baffles me – where do readers go?”
Conceptually, it has to do with aspirational thinking, faith, hope, a single retailer’s confidence in their ability to sell through more copies than they have requests for, writ small.
See, each of these #1s, events, shiny cover opportunities could amount to adding another customer, and another, and another.
Attrition is the side effect of that hoped for new reader not materializing. It’s probably retailers chasing variant covers.
The Sales Index is the ratio of that title’s sales to the average sales of a title in that category.
So for instance, Dark Days: The Forge with an index of 3.5 sold about 3.5 times as many copies as the average DCU book, Super Sons with an index of 1.0 sold around the average for a DCU book, and Wonder Woman Stave Trevor with an index of 0.6 sold about 60% of the average DCU book.
(Sales indices are rounded off to the nearest tenth, so values are approximate.)
“Attrition is the side effect of that hoped for new reader not materializing. ”
Well, sure, it could be… but much more often it’s literally what it is called: people dropping a book, people getting tired of a storyline or creative team, folks just walking away. Its not generally *actually* 1-3%/mo per store — more like “I sell 9 copies in Jan-Mar, then in Apr it drops to 8, and in Aug it drops to 7” and such like. Over the breadth of the market it averages out to “standard attrition”
How are the sell for Wonder Woman by John Byrne TPB 1 ?
I’m wondering if the numbers was good enough for have other volume ?
Shame for Mother Panic. I like this title.
Super Sons fall don’t surprised me, for now I prefere reading Marvel’s Champions, it’s more fun !
Super Sons actually seems to be holding steadier than Champions without any free overships or incentive variants.
@Brian Hibbs: it’s true. I guess I would proffer my explanation as the “other standard attrition”, the one between issues #1 and #4 of a title’s lifespan. The one we’ve come to expect now, where retailers seem to go all in with #1 and then we see who is more realistically buying by #4.
10/16 Champions #1 – 334,937
11/16 Champions #2 – 49,733 (-85.2%)
12/16 Champions #3 – 47,481 (- 4.5%) – free overship, est. 8,000 copies
01/17 Champions #4 – 34,969 (-26.4%)
02/17 Champions #5 – 31,344 (-10.4%)
03/17 Champions # 6 – 33,220 (+6.0%) – Venomized variant
04/17 Champions # 7 – 27,734 (-16.5%)
05/17 Champions # 8 – 24,602 (-11.3%)
06/17 Champions # 9 – 27,444 (+11.6%) – Mary Jane variant
Oops, found another typo: sales for Dark Knight III #9 were 103,319. The number was right for all the analysis elsewhere; I just had a copy/paste error in the DKIII entry. Sorry about that!
Another observation about attrition: it happens exactly the same for BOOKS, too.
“Tim” is correct that there’s a weird thing that happens with many periodicals where #1 is sometimes drastically overordered, but I’d say that, as a rule, that 30-50% drop between issues #1 and #2 is actually how consumers purchase, and not strictly a speculator thing.
“I’d say that, as a rule, that 30-50% drop between issues #1 and #2 is actually how consumers purchase, and not strictly a speculator thing.”
Reckon that’s normal. If the first issue doesn’t hook the reader, why go back for more? Now, some readers might allow a longer leash (e.g. 2 issues, 3 issues, 1 story arc).
I usually give new reads at least one story arc.
If a book looks promising to me, I’ll give it an issue. If I like it I’ll continue, but I’ll drop a lot of books after that one-issue sample. I try to be a fairly harsh critic there, since I’m not made of money, and the deeper in to a book I get, the harder it is for me to drop. So even perfectly good books that just don’t connect with me get dropped before I get attached. Maybe I’ll circle back to them in a discounted trade or a comixology sale. But in the meantime, me dropping that book lets me pick up another that might suit me better.
This week’s test-drive: Elsewhere, by Jay Farber & Sumeyye Kesgin, about Amelia Earhart who disappeared into a fantasy setting of some sort. Haven’t read it yet, but I like Faerber, Kesgin’s art looks good, and Earhart has always fascinated me. (As has the person on the last page, which I flipped to because I’m a horrible person, but his presence sealed the deal that I’d buy it.) Will I buy issue 2? That remains to be seen, but I have high hopes.
And I wouldn’t have had the money to try if I had continued with some perfectly good books that I tried and enjoyed somewhat but ultimately didn’t connect with me.
I think the upcoming Action Comics Oz story arc with Lenticular covers is 4 issues (not 5). I am actually looking forward to it. Action has been a great read
Pleased that the Flash (love the Howard Porter art!) and Titans (Wally West!) are still doing very well.
I hope Super Sons doesn’t lose too many readers. Its such a fun comic and the Jorge Jimenez art is so good.
“but I’d say that, as a rule, that 30-50% drop between issues #1 and #2 is actually how consumers purchase, and not strictly a speculator thing”
Just the thought of that gives me a new found respect for the retailer role in the whole thing.
Also, DC’s new 12 issue mini series thing is a bit weird (Kamandi and Bane). I personally would have preferred 6 issues. 12 just makes me think its a long drawn out story. Bane as 2×6 issue minis with maybe a month or 2 break in between just seems more appealing to me
“Bane as 2×6 issue minis”
I’m reading that Bane book. The first three issues were one story arc and issue four is starting another which looks like it might only run 3 or 4 issues. I wonder is the issue is creating a more substantial product for the trade market, both in comic shops and bookstores, while not forcing the creator to pad out a storyline to trade length.
Oz Effect is 5 issues. Action Comics #987-991. Wow, just a few more issues to Action #1000.
@Nick – I think that there are readers who pick up the first few issues of things to give it a try but don’t last much longer than that. So each time DC (or Marvel) launch new books, readers drop existing books to try these new shiny objects.
@MBundge – that’s good to know there are multiple arcs in the 12 issue maxi series
I didn’t have any answer about the sale for Wonder Woman by John Byrne Volume 1, and if you think DC will make a volume 2 or not. Thank you !
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